Constructive gadfly

If Edwards’ speech was a home run; Kerry’s was a grand slam.

Religion is to immortalize humankind; secular democracy is to immortalize law.

The practice of medicine is to profit; the art of medicine is to heal.

Corporate power is designed to control labor and create consumer demand; government power is designed to respect labor and educate consumers.

Sin can be described as a violation of God’s law or described as a wilful affront to conscience.

Michael Moore is no more offensive than Rush Limbaugh; each has the same passion, though poles apart.

Bush-bashing has never excelled the fever-pitch directed at the Clintons.

Blogging is a free-for-all but as in any activity should be within the framework of edification or wholesome humor.

There is a basic illogic to insisting on non-proliferation of WMD when superpowers that have them say to the world, “trust us.”

Islam is to surrender the will to Allah, yet somehow transvalues surrender to hatred.


Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: August, 1, 2004.


on Aug 01, 2004
Blogging is a free-for-all but as in any activity should be within the framework of edification or wholesome humor.

This one is the best!
on Aug 01, 2004
Bush-bashing has never excelled the fever-pitch directed at the Clintons.

What is the Clinton-bashing equivalent to Farenheit 9/11? digital brownshirts?

on Aug 01, 2004
O' Reilly, Sean Hannity, right wing blog sites, and distortionists of the Bible. 
on Aug 01, 2004
Don't forget Coulter....
on Aug 01, 2004
and fox news
on Aug 01, 2004
"If Edwards’ speech was a home run; Kerry’s was a grand slam."

They were great speeches, weren't they? Bush was in Ohio yesterday, as one little Ohian, I'm going to do everything I can to encourage people to vote for Kerry.

I love your quotes. I'm hoping they are to be an every Sunday thing? "
on Aug 01, 2004
When did O'Reilly or Hannity make a Nazi reference to the Clinton administration?
on Aug 01, 2004

Madine, please find balance. Obviously, these critics are not going to accuse Clinton of Nazism, since they saw him as a lefty out to unravel all the cherished values of the laissez-faire right and therefore a communist or socialist which flings as much mud as an extreme leftist calling Bush a Nazi.

on Aug 02, 2004
I would consider references to Nazis to be more of an epitath than a political criticism. "Communist" is probably equivalent to "Nazi", but I think "socialist" would be a bit of a stretch.

But anyway, when did O'Reilly or Hannity call Clinton a communist or socialist?
on Aug 02, 2004
Clinton was accused of being a murderer. Not just over Vince Foster, but also over things in Arkansas. Google will tell you that.
on Aug 02, 2004
"Michael Moore is no more offensive than Rush Limbaugh; each has the same passion, though poles apart."

Moore is much more offensive since he wraps his extreme political views in a "documentary" cloak so that people seeing his movies often believe that he is exposing the truth when in fact he is either out right lying, telling half truths or going out of his way to deceive his viewers. Rush Limbaugh presents his view points as a conservative radio talk show, TV show, or news letter and is quite clear on the fact that he is presenting the conservative view point or the other half of the story that the main stream media is not telling us. True both have the same passion, but one is going out of his way to deceive the American people *cough* Moore *cough* and one is presenting his views in a straight forward manner *cough* Rush *cough*.
on Aug 02, 2004
Vincible: There are lots of nuts on both sides that say unsubstantiated things.

Has anyone of Al Gore's prominence compared Clinton's administration to one of the most murderous regimes ever?
on Aug 02, 2004
Has anyone of Al Gore's prominence

I don't recall Gore ever comparing Bush to Hitler or whatever you're referring to. The closest I could find is his (one-time?) reference to "digital brownshirts." Which is a poor choice of words to say the least--I don't want to defend it--but it doesn't rise to the level of calling Bush a Nazi. It's more like the various references to Clinton's commissars.
on Aug 03, 2004

Whether Moore calls it a documentary or not, he is well-known for his left extremism, just as Rush is known for his right extremism and when he says: the truth is, my dear listeners,...half a brain would take it as exaggeration to say the least.

Madine, lighten up.