Constructive gadfly
Published on July 23, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics


The misconception of the mainstream as very religious while at the same time enjoying tailgate barbecues, sex, violence, I-pods, and threatened by gays and abortionists prevents the Democratic Party to return to its traditional but updated values in forging bold plans for America. The media, far from liberal, strikes fear into the Party by covering and propagandizing events to fit what they perceive as mainstream:


Viewers and readers love a good kick ass war of shock and awe.

The majority doesn’t care how other countries think of us. It is the duty of the editor to forbid the staff from ordering French fries-take out.

The military industrial complex is significantly more important than our general industrial base heading overseas.[ No one has told Lou Dobbs yet.]

Very few want to hear about war casualties, especially news channel subsidiaries in the south.

Presidents and congress are not responsible when misinformed by Intelligence; after all, Truman’s sign “the buck stops here” has been archived to oblivion and therefore, history, not news..

The vast majority makes well beyond minimum wage and doesn’t want reports on the millions making far less.

What’s a mere 45 million medically uninsured compared to 250 million who are insured? — not worthy of front page headlines. Likewise, as long as companies carry the major share of medical insurance, rising health costs are not a problem — and so few comparatively are hit with catastrophic illness or injury and wouldn’t be in a fix if we had a “medical savings plan.” It is not the responsibility of news to instruct readers and viewers on self-reliance.

“60 Minutes” exposés have little effect on the populace since most are interested in “Reality” shows, sports and popular series.

The public is fascinated by sports and entertainment celebrities, so why waste time reporting on politics unless they are sufficiently scandalous for talk shows?

Besides, political news is redefined as titanic struggles between ideologies, rather than informative articles on the implications of these views, which is the jurisdiction of “Saturday Night Live.”

Since this is the greatest productive and consuming nation in the world, why should news agencies explore that the nation is owned by Japan, Europe, and China?

That we can go to war on a hunch is of no consequence because no nation would dare do the same in face of our overwhelming military might — an obvious given.

That millions of children in the nation are still without early health care is a private matter peculiar to irresponsible parents — relegate this to the op ed page.

It is not news to evaluate the strategy that to keep terror from our shores, it makes sense to create terror abroad.

The list is by no means complete, but it is clear that the Democratic Party is mired in helplessness; rather than to climb out of it, brush itself off and step forward to make its own news by redefining America’s spirit and prioritizing solutions for the present and future.


Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: July, 23, 2004.

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