Constructive gadfly
Published on July 19, 2004 By stevendedalus In Personal Relationships

Should it matter to the guy who’s straight

To snort and rile the one who’s gay?

“Live and let live” I hear judgment say —

Why ruffle feathers and adjudicate?


To confront a style that does no harm

Is perhaps not human nature’s duty

To march against what’s abnormality

With righteousness and alarm.


Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: July, 20, 2004.


Comments (Page 3)
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on Jul 23, 2004
Man, I can sound like such a tosser. Someone call me a twat, please, so I can snap out of it.

I don't think you were either of these, but as no one else has done you the favour I will. You're a twat!

Goodness Gravy, what's going on here?

People hijacking someone else's thread, sadly. It has been an eye opener however!
on Jul 23, 2004
I certainly believe that by accepting Christ, many people have overcome homosexuality in their lives.

Rrrr... I can't begin to describe the sounds of disgust issuing forth from my throat right now. "Overcome homosexuality?" If your God truly is the forgiving god you claim he is, may he take pity on your soul for that comment. OVERCOME? As though homosexuality were a disease? You sanctimonious, self-righteous.... rrrr.... *deep breaths*

It's really unfortunate that people need to believe that external forces shape their lives... No, that's wrong - external forces do *help* shape our lives: the people around us, our environment, social and emotional interactions all determine our ideas and ideals; but the true choices are left purely up to YOU. Not God, not Allah, not YHVH, and certainly not the Buddha. Humans are the ones who make this world an amazing place, but we're also the *only* ones with the power to destroy it or turn it into a hell of our own making. So many people all working at cross-purposes because they all think their "God" is the right one. It's nauseating that someone can be so completely fucking oblivious to the world around them and the beauty within humankind and only focus on some ethereal ideal like the gods and their wishes...
on Jul 23, 2004
That is part of what I feel in total Eik. People that rely on something else to give meaning to their lives, in total devotion, and fall for what I consider 'Brainwashing'...I've been to church. In my younger days, I was actually a practicing Christian, back when I knew not better. It lasted for a couple of months, and there was something wrong about the situation. I like to think that people make their own destiny, live their own threads, without having to consider that there is some ultimate being that will decide, once it's all said and done, that you don't pass the test. It's the Survivor reality show of life - religion.

To Santus: In the mid-90's, religious groups offered 'ex-gay' camps, training programs where people that were gay could go and get better and help have god work on their 'afffliction'. My own mother, before she became accepting, tapes a show that featured them. There was one in Florida that boasted a 98% recovery rate. One of the people that were interviewed said that with help, and god, he overcame is disease.
Funny that he was gay again before the year was out and proclaiming that people needed to stay away.
and it's funny that it would be a Christian that came up with that concept. Now the churches are swinging into acceptance, and they aren't needed.

Once again, Steve, so sorry for jacking the thread....feel free to write nonsense on one of mine
on Jul 24, 2004
On the contrary, you kept it flowing with interesting insights.
on Jul 24, 2004
You're a twat!

aah, that's better. Thanks flooze'!

When you let Him take control of your life, He transforms you into a new creature

SanctusBelle, I've thought of an analogy which I think illustrates your attitudes.

Imagine that you like chicken stew. Imagine that chicken stew is the tastiest meal you’ve ever had. Now imagine that your next-door-neighbour doesn’t like chicken stew. Instead, he prefers spaghetti bolognese. Every night, you go round to your next door neighbour, insisting, “You need to eat chicken stew! Give up your spaghetti bolognese and eat some of this.”

“No thanks”, replies your neighbour. “I personally don’t like chicken stew. I much prefer spaghetti bolognese. Thanks anyway”. This makes you feel down. “What do you mean, you don’t like chicken stew? Give up your spaghetti bolognese and eat chicken stew now!”

“Frankly, I don’t like the taste of chicken stew”, replies your neighbour. "Please stop pestering me." This conversation goes on every night, until your neighbour gets sick of it, and finally decides to ignore you completely.

Analogously, chicken stew is the Christian faith, while spaghetti Bolognese is another religious faith - Buddhism, or Islam or whatever. (If we assume that Christ is the Food, "I am the Bread of Life" etc., then we can see that this shouldn't run against your belief that Christ is the only way to God. We eat from the same Loaf, only from a different perspective and cultural context, whether we recognise it as Christ ot not.) Let’s be happy with what’s on our plate, and allow others to do the same.

And this principle is the same with gays, (trying to stay true to the thread’s theme here). Gays just have different tastes. Maybe they like faggots, or peas, or toad in the hole(!) At the end of the day, everything we experience is fodder for the soul. Life is so full of rich flavours and different colours, which blend into a beautiful pageant. Let's be happy with it, and be at peace with other's tastes and interpretations.
on Jul 24, 2004
So many things I want to say... I'm not sorry that people don't like what I say. Nothing is going to change the fact that all believers and followers of Christ are commanded to share the Gospel. Jesus Christ is the Messiah, God in the flesh. Other religions and people, who do not believe that Jesus was the Son of God, will not inhereit the Kingdom of Heaven. The Bible is very clear on that. Neither will homosexuals or adulterers or murderers, etc. Not unless they come to know the One True Living God. This is what I believe with all my heart. I believe in what the Bible says. I try (and fail) to do what it says. I want to tell my neighbor about chicken stew because I love him as myself. I want to see them in Heaven some day! There is no room for hate in this. I'm not starting a Holy war, and I'm not going to give up on people. God will not give up on us.
on Jul 24, 2004
I'm sure God created fundie Christians in order to exercise other people's 'patience-muscle' in the soul. Or maybe an acceptance-muscle. I could feel it flexing as I was reading that last post.

There's a higher good in everything, I'm sure. (Apologies to anyone who's not religious, by the way. I got a bit off tack).
on Jul 24, 2004
Thank you Steve, I'll keep trying to bring interesting insight.

The fact that is obvious in this thread is that we are all ensconced in the beliefs we have. It's funny that this has happened, because I have a funny story, and hopefully this will lay it to rest about how I feel.

Lat night, I had late shift at the mall I work at, where I manage a computer store. A couple of friends came by to help pass the time as it was a 10.5 hour shift. There was a lady sitting at the table next to us in the little food court outside my shop, and she had been there for hours. She was taking notes and underlining things in books.

Finally, she comes up to us and asks me if I was happy. I said yes, aside from mall lag and being tired. " Have you ever beleived in a faith?"
She continued to explain that she had gone to Tiaquana to die, and that she was very sick back then. She showed me a picture of her in the hospital all shriveled and hurt. Then, she told me that her renewed faith in Christ cured her. That is cool, I personally would have blessed the medical staff that actually helped her, but whatever.

" I'm not crazy," she continued. " I found strength in the lord, and you know, the prophets saw visions. I see them. I'm not crazy."

I politely explained that I don't like religion, and was going to leave it alone, but she insisted that I check out the gospel. I explained that I am not religious, have no desire to be religious, and if she could leave us alone to play our game of Rummi, that would be cool. Again, she insisted that I needed to be saved. She had been easedropping on our conversations for almost half a hour and decided ,from everything that I said that I needed to be saved. She vowed to fight for me and come back to induct meinto her church.

So, you see, I don't like to have things pushed on me. Relgious people, in my experience, are close to stark raving mad nomads that need to infect people with the sense of Christ. By religious, I don't mean Buddists, or anything like that. I mean the Christians and the Catholics.
MMMMM...Maybe if I go pushing the gospel of gay around....mwahahahahahahaa.
just kidding.
on Jul 24, 2004
The belief that we were created in the image of God really means that God was created in the in the image of humanity. When someone tells you that you should feel blest that God created you in his image; he  is really saying: "You should be like me."
on Jul 25, 2004
The belief that we were created in the image of God really means that God was created in the in the image of humanity

That's an interesting belief, and a good one. Christians say that it's the other way round, that human beings are created in the image of God, (i.e. as a finite reflection of the 'Infinite Reality' - spiritual beings rooted in divine love). I think that's an interesting belief too, and a good one. There's lots of different beliefs and interpretations, and most of them are valid. Yet I suppose some of them might be more aligned with 'the Truth' than others.
on Aug 01, 2004
Aye, and the truth shall make you free--provided, of course, you can honestly determine what is the truth.
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