Constructive gadfly
Published on July 8, 2004 By stevendedalus In Personal Relationships

A married person should always cooperate with his/her mate.

The breadwinner of a relationship by definition should expect the other to be subservient.

You approach a red light at four in the morning and no traffic, you should slow down but not bother to stop.

A motorist abruptly cuts in front of you, which warrants a prolonged blare of the horn, profanity and the finger.

A woman, absorbed in a shopping aisle wanders away from her cart and purse, you must be a busybody and tell her she shouldn’t be so careless.

You’re driving in a residential area; there appears to be no children at play; nevertheless, you decrease your speed and look for parked cars on both sides just in case.

You’re at a party and ethnic jokes abound — you passively join the laughter.

Though you’re conservative, you feel victimized by your employer; you search out a trial lawyer and sue for damages.

Though you are against the Iraq war, you fully agree that there is no limit to the cost of protecting our troops, but put a definite limit on the cost of rebuilding the war-torn country.

You find homosexuality repulsive, but you patronize a gay friend even though you think he or she belongs in rehab clinic.


Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: July, 8, 2004.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 08, 2004
Is there a point to those statements?
on Jul 08, 2004
A married person should always cooperate with his/her mate.
False. This will only breed contempt for the other, and thoughts that they are merely trying to control one's life.

The breadwinner of a relationship by definition should expect the other to be subservient.
False. Being the breadwinner, I would like my wife to stay at home to raise the kids, but she is free to be her own person. I would not force her to live her life in a manner that would make her unhappy.

You approach a red light at four in the morning and no traffic, you should slow down but not bother to stop.
I would stop, but if there are no other cars around, I *will* go through the red light if it doesn't change in 15 seconds or so.

A motorist abruptly cuts in front of you, which warrants a prolonged blare of the horn, profanity and the finger.
Fuckin-A right! And they'll get (as my wife so eloquently puts it) "The Glare". My wife has noticed that since moving from California to Colorado, I have yet to use 'The Glare'.

A woman, absorbed in a shopping aisle wanders away from her cart and purse, you must be a busybody and tell her she shouldn’t be so careless.
I can't help it that someone else has a total disregard for their personal belongings. Besides, it's none of my business.

You’re driving in a residential area; there appears to be no children at play; nevertheless, you decrease your speed and look for parked cars on both sides just in case.
Absolutely! School zones too. Even when school is out, I take extra care in residential and school areas. Having two kids of my own, I look at it as kharmic. Speeding on the highway is a totally different matter however.

You’re at a party and ethnic jokes abound — you passively join the laughter.
Depends on the joke. Most of them usually get a groan out of me anyway.

Though you’re conservative, you feel victimized by your employer; you search out a trial lawyer and sue for damages.
Hmm, I'd rather wait until he fired me then report him for any illegal activities in the company.

Though you are against the Iraq war, you fully agree that there is no limit to the cost of protecting our troops, but put a definite limit on the cost of rebuilding the war-torn country.
You find homosexuality repulsive, but you patronize a gay friend even though you think he or she belongs in rehab clinic.
I can't really comment on these last two, as I don't really feel that they apply to my thoughts on either issue.

-- B
on Jul 08, 2004

Frog, very good responses--and yes, definitely be on guard when there's the possibility of kids at play. 

Guy, no point at all--just whimsical blogging. Do I need to apologize?

on Jul 08, 2004

 married person should always cooperate with his/her mate.

I'd have to say no...sometimes compromise just doesn't quite cut it for me, dig?

The breadwinner of a relationship by definition should expect the other to be subservient.

Nope....whilst compromise doesn't work 100% of the time I'm not going to expect my significant other to behave a certain way because I earn the dough and they don't. 

You approach a red light at four in the morning and no traffic, you should slow down but not bother to stop.

No, you should stop.  I always have/always do.

A motorist abruptly cuts in front of you, which warrants a prolonged blare of the horn, profanity and the finger.

No horn or finger, but certainly a cuss word or two and a nasty look or a shake of the head - a "you're a moron" kind of deal.

A woman, absorbed in a shopping aisle wanders away from her cart and purse, you must be a busybody and tell her she shouldn’t be so careless.

Yes.  I'd want someone to tell me.  Actually, I've done this, both in and out of uniform.

You’re driving in a residential area; there appears to be no children at play; nevertheless, you decrease your speed and look for parked cars on both sides just in case.

Heck yeah.  Just because you can't see 'em, don't mean they're not hiding somewhere.

You’re at a party and ethnic jokes abound — you passively join the laughter.

Nope.  If I don't think it's funny I don't laugh and I remove myself from the situation.  I don't make a big deal about it, but I don't participate either.

Though you’re conservative, you feel victimized by your employer; you search out a trial lawyer and sue for damages.

No!  Wait until it's gone past 'feeling' victimized and you have substantiated evidence to show that you have been victimized...then take counsel.

Though you are against the Iraq war, you fully agree that there is no limit to the cost of protecting our troops, but put a definite limit on the cost of rebuilding the war-torn country.

I'll have to think about those.

You find homosexuality repulsive, but you patronize a gay friend even though you think he or she belongs in rehab clinic.

Can't answer that one because I don't find homosexuality repulsive.

on Jul 08, 2004
Are these actually your ideas Steven? If they are, you are a bit weird mate.

With regards to:

1) Ethnic jokes - Why laugh at the "racist" jokes? I always feel much better not laughing at them now, though to be honest, I dont actually hear them very often anymore.
2) The Iraq rebuilding money - why do you think there should be a finite amount on rebuilding when the "new" reason for going in was "regime change" and "installing democracy"?

If these are not your actual thoughts, then ignore my questions, but why write this blog?
on Jul 08, 2004
always cooperating with mate

while id probably invoke my right to refuse to testify against her for whatever it was i refused to cooperation so as to not be an accessory...

breadwinning dominance

man doth not live by bread alone

midnite red light

the point of traffic laws, signals and signs is facilitating the flow of traffic. when they impede traffic flow, they are in need of violating.

lane-hopping motorists

unless moving out of an entrance lane or into an exit lane, changing lanes interferes with traffic flow; doing it recklessly may indicate the idiot isnt paying proper attention to those around him. a short horn blast is appropriate.

negligent shopper

at very least, id ensure it couldnt be stolen. but id want to be reminded id left myself vulnerable and would do the same

no children playing

one should always anticipate potential hazards while driving at a legal speed (no higher or lower than posted) appropriate to the immediate conditions.

ethnic jokers

principles apply in group situations as well as one-on-one. id request it be stopped.

bad boss

id quit. i was lookin for work when i found that job


if the party initiating conflict wins, it is responsible for restoring basic services.

gay friend

i dont but if i did, repulsive doesnt imply dangerous or harmful. patronizing is dishonest. id be a friend and not impose my opinion or lie.
on Jul 08, 2004
Interesting questions!
1. I think it's good to try to cooperate, to act together. Sometimes, that is very hard.
2. No and it's often the other way around any way.
3. No, I stop. When I was 28, I did a rolling stop at a stop sign and received my only ticket. I always get caught!
4. Some quiet profanity, never a finger.
5. hmmm, I'm not sure what I'd do,maybe keep half an eye on it myself to make sure it's ok.
6. Yes.
7.I usually tell my Jesus joke.
8. I'm not conservative, but I think I'd try to talk to my boss first.
9. We need to do everything to protect those troops as we get them out of there. We should have to pay for all that we destroyed and rebuild it. And we will be, for a long time.
10. I don't find it repulsive. But I'm the type of person that can't be close friends with people I'd find repulsive. I couldn't fake it.

Do we get to know your answers?
on Jul 08, 2004
A married person should always cooperate with his/her mate.

Always is too I'd say false...cooperate when it is in the best interest of the relationship/family.

The breadwinner of a relationship by definition should expect the other to be subservient. should be an equal partnership, regardless of who is or isn't the breadwinner.

You approach a red light at four in the morning and no traffic, you should slow down but not bother to stop.

False....the law is the law, 24/7

A motorist abruptly cuts in front of you, which warrants a prolonged blare of the horn, profanity and the finger.

False....road rage doesn't serve any constructive purpose.

A woman, absorbed in a shopping aisle wanders away from her cart and purse, you must be a busybody and tell her she shouldn’t be so careless.

False...although I would probably stand nearby and watch the purse until she returned, to make sure it was safe.

You’re driving in a residential area; there appears to be no children at play; nevertheless, you decrease your speed and look for parked cars on both sides just in case. never know when children could dart out of nowhere.

You’re at a party and ethnic jokes abound — you passively join the laughter.

False....I would express my displeasure and walk away.

Though you’re conservative, you feel victimized by your employer; you search out a trial lawyer and sue for damages.

No...wait till you have tangible evidence, and then hire a lawyer.

Though you are against the Iraq war, you fully agree that there is no limit to the cost of protecting our troops, but put a definite limit on the cost of rebuilding the war-torn country.


You find homosexuality repulsive, but you patronize a gay friend even though you think he or she belongs in rehab clinic.

False....I don't find it repulsive, but if I did, I wouldn't patronize anyone...
on Jul 08, 2004
Excuse me, Sam, for being weird. I think I'm entitled once in a while to be a lightweight--I'm often cited as being too dense. So allow me my lighter moments. Besides, the rest of the bloggers, but for the first, don't seem to agree that most of the queries are pointless. and I have found the answers thought-provoking.
on Jul 08, 2004
Guy, no point at all--just whimsical blogging. Do I need to apologize?

I just didn't know if we were expected to give answers as if they were questions (whether they described ourselves), comment on the ethical content, or just think about them.
on Jul 08, 2004
A married person should always cooperate with his/her mate.
Cooperate yes, but sometimes there is conflict and I think cooperation means working through that.

The breadwinner of a relationship by definition should expect the other to be subservient.
Nope. Not at all. If the other wants to be subservient, then that is that person's choice. But you shouldn't expect that just because you are making the money.

You approach a red light at four in the morning and no traffic, you should slow down but not bother to stop.
I would stop.

A motorist abruptly cuts in front of you, which warrants a prolonged blare of the horn, profanity and the finger.
Nope. I would try to put some distance between us, since that person has a higher chance of getting involved in an accident.
My wife has noticed that since moving from California to Colorado, I have yet to use 'The Glare'.

Odd, since moving here from Alabama I have seen many more cases where 'The Glare' would be appropriate.

A woman, absorbed in a shopping aisle wanders away from her cart and purse, you must be a busybody and tell her she shouldn’t be so careless.
Nope. Her business. If I was staying in the area for some reason I would try to keep an eye on her stuff, though.

You’re driving in a residential area; there appears to be no children at play; nevertheless, you decrease your speed and look for parked cars on both sides just in case.
Yes. Absolutely.

You’re at a party and ethnic jokes abound — you passively join the laughter.
I don't usually find ethnic jokes funny, and if I do not find something funny I do not laugh. Hell, it's hard to get more than a smirk from me even when I do find something funny.

Though you’re conservative, you feel victimized by your employer; you search out a trial lawyer and sue for damages.
Nope. I think there is way too much litigation in this country (my brother, the lawyer, would say that is blasphemy). And I can not imagine a situation where I would be a victim of my employer. I've had bad (very bad) working conditions and I simply changed those conditions.

Though you are against the Iraq war, you fully agree that there is no limit to the cost of protecting our troops, but put a definite limit on the cost of rebuilding the war-torn country.
Yes. Eventually the Iraqi have to take responsibility for their freedom.

You find homosexuality repulsive, but you patronize a gay friend even though you think he or she belongs in rehab clinic.
Nope. I don't find it repulsive. I do not understand it, but if it doesn't hurt people I have no issue with it.
on Jul 08, 2004

A married person should always cooperate with his/her mate.

I wouldn't say "always" but you should try.  Being married is a partnership.

The breadwinner of a relationship by definition should expect the other to be subservient.

Depends.  Some people like being subservient.  I think it also depends on the dynamics of the household.

You approach a red light at four in the morning and no traffic, you should slow down but not bother to stop.

You should always stop.

A motorist abruptly cuts in front of you, which warrants a prolonged blare of the horn, profanity and the finger.

I like to get beside them and take a digital picture of them.  Confuses the hell out of them.  Then, if they run me off the road later on, I would have a picture to identify them.  (Haven't been run off the road yet, but the aggressive driver *always* slows down and stays away).

A woman, absorbed in a shopping aisle wanders away from her cart and purse, you must be a busybody and tell her she shouldn’t be so careless.

I would just watch and make sure that nobody took it.  I was once standing right in front of my cart and a lady told me that I should always have a hand on my purse because 3 years ago she was in a busy shopping center and had her purse stolen.  I live in a town that you could leave your car unlocked and running and nobody would bother it.

You’re driving in a residential area; there appears to be no children at play; nevertheless, you decrease your speed and look for parked cars on both sides just in case.

I always slow down.  You never know when a little one (or dog) will run out.

You’re at a party and ethnic jokes abound — you passively join the laughter.

I'm anti-social and don't go to parties.

Though you’re conservative, you feel victimized by your employer; you search out a trial lawyer and sue for damages.

I'd find a different job.  Then set up a voodoo shrine for the old employer.

Though you are against the Iraq war, you fully agree that there is no limit to the cost of protecting our troops, but put a definite limit on the cost of rebuilding the war-torn country.

I'm not against the war, I want to protect our troops, and we need to finish what we started.

You find homosexuality repulsive, but you patronize a gay friend even though you think he or she belongs in rehab clinic.

I don't have a strong opinion about gays, and I don't have any friends that are gay.  However, I do have a female neighbor who was once a man, does that count?  She had better engineering opportunities as a woman than a man, but that is a different discussion.

on Jul 08, 2004

Great Late Show, C.S.--and thanks for not forcing me to apologize.

Karma, I love the digital camera trick. As for the transexual-he/she deserves praise for undergoing a difficult surgery and being true to him/herself.

on Jul 09, 2004
Yes, you are right - they are thought provoking. Shouldnt have got on my high horse so quickly, however, the weird thing stays...

I certainly wouldnt have ever called you dense for putting those questions up.
on Jul 09, 2004
I love it--play it again, Sam. Your chosen weirdo.
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