Constructive gadfly

It seems ludicrous that gay marriage is all about equal rights. What rights? Since when do “ordinary” married couples have equal rights? In the so-called co-dependency of the modern marriage there is always the dominant figure who demands rather than depends on the other — and that usually translates into the woman having fewer rights. Oh, to be sure, she is free to protest and nag but in the end she gives in to the macho who always insists his way is the only way, resulting in the fairer sex usually yielding “for the sake of the children,” or religious and economic principles. Of course she can always file for divorce that results in hurt psychologically while perhaps gaining a little financially, provided she doesn’t make the same mistake again. Moreover, the divorced woman does not reap the same cavalier status as the liberated divorced man.

I imagine there is this same kind of dominance among gays in that one is admitting to his or her weakness and foolishly willing to take the chance that everything will turn out okay. If this is not so then gays ought to reveal the secret of successful marriage to the rest of us poor slobs who are trapped in the conflict of interpersonal relations where one is ever placed in a compromising position.

This is not to say that there aren’t dominating women who absolutely refuse to go along with the immaturity of men that insist on their play time such as, Super Bowl parties, right to philander, get caught up in porno websites, gambling and sports activities. These women are rare and usually among the well-to-do who are breadwinners and therefore in a position to dictate. The end result, however, is self-exile or abandonment.

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: July, 5, 2004.

on Jul 05, 2004
nobody ever said marriage was fair. and it shouldnt take longer than a month or two for either partner (or both) to realize 'rights' are too much to hope for and settle instead for some 'not too far wrongs'.

gay marriages would presumably side-step the judeo-christian-islaamic tradition of divinely-authorized husbandly authority over the household. (thats almost enough to convince me to switch just on principle)

on Jul 06, 2004
I don't know much about gay couples, but I've heard that they're more like heterosexual couples (i.e. one wears the pants) than they aren't.
on Jul 06, 2004
We're in agreement:  regardless of the bashing they are,after all, human and in that sense are straight.