Constructive gadfly
Published on June 19, 2004 By stevendedalus In Current Events

One’s initial reaction to such an atrocious beheading is to shrill out The Three Musketeers’ battle cry: “All for one and one for all.” and wipe out the Islamic threat, not just those directly responsible. It goes without saying that this is not the solution. Neither, since we are so oil hungry, can we begin a mass exodus of tens of thousands of westerners who work and live in Saudi Arabia, nor send in Marines to protect them. However, we can demand that the Saudi government increase tenfold its vigilance in protecting these residents, lest it evolve into another Palestine, and if they do not cooperate the United Nations must — as they should have long ago entered the Israel-Palestine conflict — send in peace-keeping troops on the premise that the Saudis have lost control.

 Something has to be done about our reliance on OPEC to supply our needs. Since Carter, the US has made strides more or less in conservation, yet the demand for oil continues because of growth in population and competing countries, such as China, whose needs are also growing exponentially. By the mid century the world’s reserves will be depleted; the consequence in the meantime will be ever-increasing oil prices. We need a national commitment to alternative fuels. Oil based electric plants must be phased out in tandem with intensive research in cleaning up coal, transforming it into oil, and improving nuclear plants safety and modifying with fusion. Hydrogen, thermal, ocean and air alternatives must be explored. Railways should be modernized to shuttle infinitely more trailers than it does now to reduce trailer-truck long hauls, and passenger networks to reduce reliance on air travel. Lest we forget the US is still the second largest producer of oil and could improve its production by efficient recovery and further exploration — and yes, I’ll say it again — environmentally judicious drilling in ANWR.

To do this, Americans must understand that the cost of energy will be at a premium, but in the long run will make us safer-- and smarter consumers. Americans must also understand that by policing the world by air, ground troops and fleet, the consumption of fuel is astronomical, together with the armed services’ consumption in training and maneuvers. Either we begin to trim our machismo proclivity or waste our resources and continue to make us the targets of terrorism.

 Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: June 19, 2004.

on Aug 26, 2004
Justice blindness///Punished innocent examples///CUSTOM-MADE TERROR and INNOCENT PEOPLE, registrated as "TERRORISTS" who SYSTEMATICAL prevented to REACH the EARS of MANKIND....first example is poor Jack, who never killed anybody, never had such tought but the world never heard him because the Jewish lobbies corrupted the "prosecutor masked hungry piggies of circus-court Canberra"...///The Story of Jack ROCHE; " a story on the true Victims of True Terror and true lie machines of zionized medial-circus"...(Int. english language version)


- Prosecutors are saying; "He (Jack ROCHE) dreamed to do anything against embassy"...
- ...and then?
- Jail!.. At least 10 years..
- Joke?
- True!.. This is not scientifical film's time, but punishment... Australian's shurk bourgeoisie need a show.. The Jewish lobbies demand such show...
- Incredible!..
- But a man /(dreamed-!!!!-) in jail know!... Lie machines produced dreams and there are a lot of victims who dreamed a good world against Zionist Imperialism...
- What a wonderful world!..


- Australian authorities looking for a lamb, whocan be fit to slaught for 11/9 playground...
- You are not serious!..
- Yes, its!.. I am coming from Canberra and I am aware on the Jewish lobbies...
- I read crazy articles, too; for example the Jewih redcations publising a foto, a person who converted himself to islam...
- It's the time to victimize him?
- Are you crazy? is it crime to be muslim?
- But he is not an ordinary muslim.. He dreams very dangerous things..
- What is wrong to dream and who knows wahy this guy dreams?
- Nobody knows, because his dreams are so dangerous. Mo$$ad recommended it must be secret...
- Dreams must be secret?
- Yes!.. Prosecutors say, it's secret!..
- But can I ask anything if you not make laugh on me!
- Ask, please!..
- Is Mo$$ad Justice Ministry of your country?
- More effective then all these departments.. Well, even our ministries can not ask waht secret in such coverages!...
- I am fucking your ministries!..
- ?!


- Tv Independent Laponia team prepared a documentary clip on the "secret dreams" and open stage of official doggies of the lobbies!..
- Let's watch it!..
- You are welcome, Comrados!..


- "Australia convicts first terror accused", reported by tv team on 01 June 2004: A British-born Australian man has been sentenced to nine years in jail for conspiring to bomb an Israeli embassy four years ago in the capital of Canberra.

Jack Roche, (borned 1954) a 50-year-old Muslim convert, is the first man convicted under Australia's new anti-terror laws.

Roche dramatically changed his plea to guilty midway through his trial in a west Australian court last week after detailing links to al-Qaida and Jemaah Islamiya groups.

Prosecutors had sought the maximum sentence of 25 years for Roche, who told Perth's District Court during his 10-day trial he made a trip to Afghanistan in March 2000, when he met al-Qaida head Usama bin Ladin and underwent explosives training.

The government welcomed Roche's sentencing.

"The sentencing of Jack Roche today for a terrorist offence evidences the seriousness of the terrorism offences to which he pleaded guilty," Attorney General Philip Ruddock told reporters.

"These matters are of the upmost importance to the Australian community. It's a very serious offence and the penalty that has been applied by the court is significant," he said.

Roche could be released in as few as three years. Judge Paul Healy said Roche would be eligible for parole after four and a half years and back-dated the sentence to his arrest in November 2002.

The Hambali connection...

Healy said sentencing had been difficult because there was no precedent for the case. He said while Roche had not initiated the plot, he had acted as a surveillance operative.

Defence lawyer Hilton Quail suggested Roche had already spent enough time in jail, where he was held for 18 months awaiting trial.

Roche had been charged with conspiring to damage or destroy the Israeli embassy in Canberra with explosives in 2000.

During his trial, Roche gave evidence of how he had agreed to carry out surveillance of targets in Australia for al-Qaida, but said he never intended to bomb the embassy.

The court was also told of his trip to Afghanistan via Pakistan. Roche named his al-Qaida contact in Pakistan as Khalid Shaikh Muhammad, a suspect in the September 11 attacks in the US.

Muhammad is now in US custody. Roche said he was sent to Pakistan by Hambali, a leader of the Southeast Asian group Jemaah Islamiya who police say funded the October 2002 nightclub bombings on the Indonesian island of Bali that killed 202 people, including 88 Australians.

Hambali is also in US custody...

The court was told the attack on the Israeli embassy was called off on the orders of Indonesian cleric Abu Bakar Bashir because of squabbling between Jemaah Islamiya members.

Bashir has been detained by Indonesian authorities over suspicions he had a role in the Bali bombings. He has denied wrongdoing and insists Jemaah Islamiya does not exist.

Roche was arrested in November 2002 amid heightened security concerns in Australia after the September 11 and Bali attacks.


- Your tv redaction shows so much critics on the Australian puppet-court-staff, but where are you from, Sir?
- Scandinavia, Laponia...
- Also, occupied Palestine of European Union!.. Do you say me what did Anna LINDH, Foreign Ministry, when USrael sent the armed American instruments to package the Palestinian symphatizers Mohammed al-Zari and Ahmed Hussein Mustafa Kamil Agiza?
- I don't know!..
- Kidding? Are there no any newspaper in Scandinavia?
- Well, there are many newspaper like double WC paper but our all the medial giants belonfg to the Jewish lobbies.. Therefore we can never able to hear that true victims crying.. We are still read the false history and Cold War propaganda lies on poor Adolf HITLER... Did you know the publications macj´hines of Wallenbergs&Murdoch&Bonniers Imperial?
- ?!


- If the Jewish medial shurks prohibited you, so you can read by Cubanos;
Suecia Dibuja Crítica De los Derechos Humanos... Miércoles, 5 mayo 2004: La organización de defensa de los derechos humanos Human Rights Watch (HRW) critico duramente a Suecia a causa de la expulsión de un prisionero egipcio Ahmed Agiza, extraditado de Suecia a Egipto en 2001 por pertenecer a una organización que intenta derrocar al Gobierno egipcio por medios violentos, ha sido torturado en la prisión donde está encarcelado.

En un comunicado, la organización indicó que las autoridades suecas pusieron como condición para la extradición de Agiza que no recibiera malos tratos en las prisiones egipcias. Sin embargo, las leyes internacionales prohíben que una persona sea extraditada cuando en el país donde va a ser recibido su vida o su integridad física corren peligro.

La familia del detenido y organizaciones humanitarias egipcias han afirmado que Agiza ha sido torturado en la prisión. Además, el propio preso indicó que después de declarar en el juicio que había sido maltratado, un oficial le advirtió de que no volviera a realizar declaraciones semejantes.

La directora ejecutiva de HRW en Europa y Asia, Rachel Denber, aseguró que "las autoridades egipcias han incumplido sus promesas diplomáticas y sus obligaciones para con los Derechos Humanos según las leyes internacionales". "El Gobierno sueco nunca debió enviar a Agiza a un país donde la tortura es rutina y donde los presuntos militantes no tienen juicios justos", añadió.


- What is the name of minister-shurk?
- Which one, dear? We have a lot of shurks!..
- "Foreigness affairs2 labelled.. who accepted deportatipon of Palestinians.. And she welcomed UsroAmerican instruments that these agents used Swedish territorial like a bit of Tel Aviv brothel...
- We have many bastards who welcoming similarly bastards...
- May be, an Evangelian Zionist whore...
- Her copy!..
- PALME's bastard whore Anna LINDH?
- Yes!..
- I want to fuck her ass!..
- Tooo late!.. Anybody did it better!... before you...
- ?!


- This case, dangerous dream of Jack ROCHE , looks like the innocent executed young Tmothy McWEIGH.
- What's about McWEIGH case? Is it some new clip?
- Yes, it's!..
- Tv team prepared a new clip on "fake war and kahe evidences"... This clip labelled "Dangerous Blind Spot in War on Terror"...
- What about documentary?
- Foolish accuse coverage on innocent people worldwide... Manipulation instruments always served to zionist imperialist power... This clip includes a terrible plot; a hole in America's "war on terrorism" was exposed by recent criminal activity allegedly by Israeli military personnel.
- Let's watch!.
- OKC Cover-Up Exploding... FBI Whistleblower Blasts FBI Perjury, reports by James P. Tucker Jr.
- I know him. A clever researcher!.. Go on!..
- A government scientist lied about key physical evidence found at the Oklahoma City bombing, including some materials that were alleged to have been used to make the bomb, an FBI whistle blower testified in the murder trial of Terry Nichols. FBI forensic scientist Steve Burmeister lied twice, Frederic Whitehurst told jurors.

Burmeister, whom Whitehurst had trained, had testified in the federal trial of Timothy McVeigh and both the federal and state trials of Nichols that ammonium nitrate crystals found on bombing debris had been embedded by the force of the blast and that the crystals came from the kind of fertilizer believed used in the bombing.

Both statements were false, Whitehurst testified May 19. There was insufficient evidence to support either of Burmeister's conclusions about the bomb that federal investigators claimed destroyed the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, he said.

"He is my student and I trust him like a brother," Whitehurst said of Burmeister. "But he lied under oath."

The case is expected to go to the jury soon.

Whitehurst began questioning Burmeister's veracity after examining transcripts of his testimony at the federal trials of Nichols and Timothy McVeigh, who was executed in 2001. Burmeister testified substantially the same at the current state trial of Nichols.

Whitehurst exposed shoddy work at the FBI's laboratory in Washington during the mid-1990s, which led to extensive changes.

The inspector general at the Justice Department investigated the lab for 18 months and accused the facility of flawed scientific work and inaccurate, pro-prosecution testimony in major cases, including the Oklahoma City bombing. The lab had no comment.

The Associated Press reported a year ago that Burmeister himself told the inspector general that shoddy work and contamination problems had tainted the bombing evidence, then recanted the allegation a few months before testifying in the McVeigh trial.

Whitehurst's testimony concentrated on a shredded piece of plywood authorities believe came from the cargo container of the Ryder rental truck that delivered the ammonium-nitrate-and-fuel-oil bomb. The plywood, recovered two days after the bombing from a parking lot across the street from the federal building, is the only direct evidence of the explosion.

Burmeister began referring to the crystals as embedded after meeting with federal prosecutors, Whitehurst said.

"They were not embedded in that surface," Whitehurst said. "They were simply adhering to the surface."

Nichols, 49, could face the death penalty if convicted on 161 state counts of first-degree murder. He is already serving a life sentence on federal charges in the deaths of eight federal law enforcement officers. The state charges cover the other 160 victims and one victim's fetus.

- There are many common points between two innocent guys, also, Jack ROCHE and Timothy McWEIGH.
- Definitely.. Both the victims and the evidence falsification methodes are interestimg close stories... Two victims and two manipulation cases...
- That is right!..

on Aug 26, 2004
Justice blindness///Punished innocent examples///CUSTOM-MADE TERROR and INNOCENT PEOPLE, registrated as "TERRORISTS" who SYSTEMATICAL prevented to REACH the EARS of MANKIND....first example is poor Jack, who never killed anybody, never had such tought but the world never heard him because the Jewish lobbies corrupted the "prosecutor masked hungry piggies of circus-court Canberra"...///The Story of Jack ROCHE; " a story on the true Victims of True Terror and true lie machines of zionized medial-circus"...(Int. english language version)


- Prosecutors are saying; "He (Jack ROCHE) dreamed to do anything against embassy"...
- ...and then?
- Jail!.. At least 10 years..
- Joke?
- True!.. This is not scientifical film's time, but punishment... Australian's shurk bourgeoisie need a show.. The Jewish lobbies demand such show...
- Incredible!..
- But a man /(dreamed-!!!!-) in jail know!... Lie machines produced dreams and there are a lot of victims who dreamed a good world against Zionist Imperialism...
- What a wonderful world!..


- Australian authorities looking for a lamb, whocan be fit to slaught for 11/9 playground...
- You are not serious!..
- Yes, its!.. I am coming from Canberra and I am aware on the Jewish lobbies...
- I read crazy articles, too; for example the Jewih redcations publising a foto, a person who converted himself to islam...
- It's the time to victimize him?
- Are you crazy? is it crime to be muslim?
- But he is not an ordinary muslim.. He dreams very dangerous things..
- What is wrong to dream and who knows wahy this guy dreams?
- Nobody knows, because his dreams are so dangerous. Mo$$ad recommended it must be secret...
- Dreams must be secret?
- Yes!.. Prosecutors say, it's secret!..
- But can I ask anything if you not make laugh on me!
- Ask, please!..
- Is Mo$$ad Justice Ministry of your country?
- More effective then all these departments.. Well, even our ministries can not ask waht secret in such coverages!...
- I am fucking your ministries!..
- ?!


- Tv Independent Laponia team prepared a documentary clip on the "secret dreams" and open stage of official doggies of the lobbies!..
- Let's watch it!..
- You are welcome, Comrados!..


- "Australia convicts first terror accused", reported by tv team on 01 June 2004: A British-born Australian man has been sentenced to nine years in jail for conspiring to bomb an Israeli embassy four years ago in the capital of Canberra.

Jack Roche, (borned 1954) a 50-year-old Muslim convert, is the first man convicted under Australia's new anti-terror laws.

Roche dramatically changed his plea to guilty midway through his trial in a west Australian court last week after detailing links to al-Qaida and Jemaah Islamiya groups.

Prosecutors had sought the maximum sentence of 25 years for Roche, who told Perth's District Court during his 10-day trial he made a trip to Afghanistan in March 2000, when he met al-Qaida head Usama bin Ladin and underwent explosives training.

The government welcomed Roche's sentencing.

"The sentencing of Jack Roche today for a terrorist offence evidences the seriousness of the terrorism offences to which he pleaded guilty," Attorney General Philip Ruddock told reporters.

"These matters are of the upmost importance to the Australian community. It's a very serious offence and the penalty that has been applied by the court is significant," he said.

Roche could be released in as few as three years. Judge Paul Healy said Roche would be eligible for parole after four and a half years and back-dated the sentence to his arrest in November 2002.

The Hambali connection...

Healy said sentencing had been difficult because there was no precedent for the case. He said while Roche had not initiated the plot, he had acted as a surveillance operative.

Defence lawyer Hilton Quail suggested Roche had already spent enough time in jail, where he was held for 18 months awaiting trial.

Roche had been charged with conspiring to damage or destroy the Israeli embassy in Canberra with explosives in 2000.

During his trial, Roche gave evidence of how he had agreed to carry out surveillance of targets in Australia for al-Qaida, but said he never intended to bomb the embassy.

The court was also told of his trip to Afghanistan via Pakistan. Roche named his al-Qaida contact in Pakistan as Khalid Shaikh Muhammad, a suspect in the September 11 attacks in the US.

Muhammad is now in US custody. Roche said he was sent to Pakistan by Hambali, a leader of the Southeast Asian group Jemaah Islamiya who police say funded the October 2002 nightclub bombings on the Indonesian island of Bali that killed 202 people, including 88 Australians.

Hambali is also in US custody...

The court was told the attack on the Israeli embassy was called off on the orders of Indonesian cleric Abu Bakar Bashir because of squabbling between Jemaah Islamiya members.

Bashir has been detained by Indonesian authorities over suspicions he had a role in the Bali bombings. He has denied wrongdoing and insists Jemaah Islamiya does not exist.

Roche was arrested in November 2002 amid heightened security concerns in Australia after the September 11 and Bali attacks.


- Your tv redaction shows so much critics on the Australian puppet-court-staff, but where are you from, Sir?
- Scandinavia, Laponia...
- Also, occupied Palestine of European Union!.. Do you say me what did Anna LINDH, Foreign Ministry, when USrael sent the armed American instruments to package the Palestinian symphatizers Mohammed al-Zari and Ahmed Hussein Mustafa Kamil Agiza?
- I don't know!..
- Kidding? Are there no any newspaper in Scandinavia?
- Well, there are many newspaper like double WC paper but our all the medial giants belonfg to the Jewish lobbies.. Therefore we can never able to hear that true victims crying.. We are still read the false history and Cold War propaganda lies on poor Adolf HITLER... Did you know the publications macj´hines of Wallenbergs&Murdoch&Bonniers Imperial?
- ?!


- If the Jewish medial shurks prohibited you, so you can read by Cubanos;
Suecia Dibuja Crítica De los Derechos Humanos... Miércoles, 5 mayo 2004: La organización de defensa de los derechos humanos Human Rights Watch (HRW) critico duramente a Suecia a causa de la expulsión de un prisionero egipcio Ahmed Agiza, extraditado de Suecia a Egipto en 2001 por pertenecer a una organización que intenta derrocar al Gobierno egipcio por medios violentos, ha sido torturado en la prisión donde está encarcelado.

En un comunicado, la organización indicó que las autoridades suecas pusieron como condición para la extradición de Agiza que no recibiera malos tratos en las prisiones egipcias. Sin embargo, las leyes internacionales prohíben que una persona sea extraditada cuando en el país donde va a ser recibido su vida o su integridad física corren peligro.

La familia del detenido y organizaciones humanitarias egipcias han afirmado que Agiza ha sido torturado en la prisión. Además, el propio preso indicó que después de declarar en el juicio que había sido maltratado, un oficial le advirtió de que no volviera a realizar declaraciones semejantes.

La directora ejecutiva de HRW en Europa y Asia, Rachel Denber, aseguró que "las autoridades egipcias han incumplido sus promesas diplomáticas y sus obligaciones para con los Derechos Humanos según las leyes internacionales". "El Gobierno sueco nunca debió enviar a Agiza a un país donde la tortura es rutina y donde los presuntos militantes no tienen juicios justos", añadió.


- What is the name of minister-shurk?
- Which one, dear? We have a lot of shurks!..
- "Foreigness affairs2 labelled.. who accepted deportatipon of Palestinians.. And she welcomed UsroAmerican instruments that these agents used Swedish territorial like a bit of Tel Aviv brothel...
- We have many bastards who welcoming similarly bastards...
- May be, an Evangelian Zionist whore...
- Her copy!..
- PALME's bastard whore Anna LINDH?
- Yes!..
- I want to fuck her ass!..
- Tooo late!.. Anybody did it better!... before you...
- ?!


- This case, dangerous dream of Jack ROCHE , looks like the innocent executed young Tmothy McWEIGH.
- What's about McWEIGH case? Is it some new clip?
- Yes, it's!..
- Tv team prepared a new clip on "fake war and kahe evidences"... This clip labelled "Dangerous Blind Spot in War on Terror"...
- What about documentary?
- Foolish accuse coverage on innocent people worldwide... Manipulation instruments always served to zionist imperialist power... This clip includes a terrible plot; a hole in America's "war on terrorism" was exposed by recent criminal activity allegedly by Israeli military personnel.
- Let's watch!.
- OKC Cover-Up Exploding... FBI Whistleblower Blasts FBI Perjury, reports by James P. Tucker Jr.
- I know him. A clever researcher!.. Go on!..
- A government scientist lied about key physical evidence found at the Oklahoma City bombing, including some materials that were alleged to have been used to make the bomb, an FBI whistle blower testified in the murder trial of Terry Nichols. FBI forensic scientist Steve Burmeister lied twice, Frederic Whitehurst told jurors.

Burmeister, whom Whitehurst had trained, had testified in the federal trial of Timothy McVeigh and both the federal and state trials of Nichols that ammonium nitrate crystals found on bombing debris had been embedded by the force of the blast and that the crystals came from the kind of fertilizer believed used in the bombing.

Both statements were false, Whitehurst testified May 19. There was insufficient evidence to support either of Burmeister's conclusions about the bomb that federal investigators claimed destroyed the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, he said.

"He is my student and I trust him like a brother," Whitehurst said of Burmeister. "But he lied under oath."

The case is expected to go to the jury soon.

Whitehurst began questioning Burmeister's veracity after examining transcripts of his testimony at the federal trials of Nichols and Timothy McVeigh, who was executed in 2001. Burmeister testified substantially the same at the current state trial of Nichols.

Whitehurst exposed shoddy work at the FBI's laboratory in Washington during the mid-1990s, which led to extensive changes.

The inspector general at the Justice Department investigated the lab for 18 months and accused the facility of flawed scientific work and inaccurate, pro-prosecution testimony in major cases, including the Oklahoma City bombing. The lab had no comment.

The Associated Press reported a year ago that Burmeister himself told the inspector general that shoddy work and contamination problems had tainted the bombing evidence, then recanted the allegation a few months before testifying in the McVeigh trial.

Whitehurst's testimony concentrated on a shredded piece of plywood authorities believe came from the cargo container of the Ryder rental truck that delivered the ammonium-nitrate-and-fuel-oil bomb. The plywood, recovered two days after the bombing from a parking lot across the street from the federal building, is the only direct evidence of the explosion.

Burmeister began referring to the crystals as embedded after meeting with federal prosecutors, Whitehurst said.

"They were not embedded in that surface," Whitehurst said. "They were simply adhering to the surface."

Nichols, 49, could face the death penalty if convicted on 161 state counts of first-degree murder. He is already serving a life sentence on federal charges in the deaths of eight federal law enforcement officers. The state charges cover the other 160 victims and one victim's fetus.

- There are many common points between two innocent guys, also, Jack ROCHE and Timothy McWEIGH.
- Definitely.. Both the victims and the evidence falsification methodes are interestimg close stories... Two victims and two manipulation cases...
- That is right!..

on Aug 26, 2004
Hmm last 2 replies is unrelated to the subject.

Unfortunate that we (the world) haven't found a truly renewable and effective way to generate power.