Constructive gadfly
Published on June 14, 2004 By stevendedalus In Philosophy

Many progressives urge Kerry to get tougher with respect to Iraq — “cut and run,” deadline for troop withdrawal — echoing Kucinich. McGovern tied that in ‘72 with Vietnam and where did it get him? Only in ‘68 would it have been possible with the charisma of Robert Kennedy. Kerry is no RFK. Besides, there is no comparison — no aerial bombing killing millions, no 30,000 US troops [at RFK time] killed — even though the same knuckle headed policy exists. What the progressives fail to take into account is the vast change in the electorate from predominantly quasi Liberal [until the “southern strategy” came into play] to border line Conservative. Militarism plays an important rôle that cannot be undone by suggesting a semblance of “they died in vain”; only victory with honor prevails.

Obviously Kerry subliminally thinks his rhetoric some thirty years ago — “How do you ask the last man to die in Vietnam for a mistake?” — is the right course. Again that was different times; today it is unthinkable. He should have fallen back on that rhetoric when he was casting his ballot for the Iraqi war — and listened to the Democratic congressmen in opposition to the war — but instead hedged his vote on the weak stipulation that Bush would go to war only after all avenues of diplomacy were shut down.

He is now boxed in, and left with the strategy that as a leader of the free world, he would be tough but not stubborn about consulting with other nations, which is exactly what Bush is now doing, though the electorate can’t see it as me-tooism. The only other ace in the hole is the message that he can do better militarily and diplomatically without forgetting the dire needs at home in terms of social needs and homeland security.

 Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: June 14, 2004.  


on Jun 14, 2004
I agree with you.....i'm a conservative so you might be a little surprised. What you're article was saying overall is that under very tough circumstances Bush is doing about as well as anyone could do. I think Kerry is running for President at a very bad time, during the early stages of this war on terrorism. After 4-more years it will be easier for Democrats to criticize the Republicans, as of right now we are in uncharted waters so the question many times is how to criticize Bush and not sound unpatriotic because there is no standard. In order for Kerry to win he needs to revamp his campaign and I still haven't seen the specifics of his platform. He needs specifics to get people to take him seriously as a candidate.
on Jun 14, 2004
Right, it is a tough time, and why Hillary chose not to run. Still, K can give it a hell of a run if, as you say, can up with specifics that can lift the people from its paranoia.
on Jun 14, 2004
Kerry is in a tough position because most moderate voters support the war, but the liberal democrat base opposes it.
on Jun 15, 2004
I agree, but Kerry, in spite of his reservations, supports the venture; it's the Bush approach that he resists.
on Jun 16, 2004
I watched Kerry last evening. He talked to Ohians about what most Ohians care about right now. Unfortunately, when your own little world is crumbling around you, it is harder to look at the bigger picture. I believe he could win in Ohio just on his stand about outsourcing, prescriptions, and the cost of college, even if he was boxed in about Iraq. I talked with a woman about Iraq and other things going on in the world, and she said "look, I don't care. I care about what's happening to me and my kids right now."
on Jun 16, 2004

And what did he say about outsourcing, prescriptions and college?  Did he say he doesn't like the way things are and believes he can do better?  That is all I have heard from him.  I haven't heard how he is going to do anything better.

You are right about how many people don't care about the big picture.  They only care about what is going on within their own four walls so to speak.  That is what is alarming to me.  People voting with no regard to the big picture.  People voting without educating themselves about the issues and the candidates.  People voting "because I just don't like that guy."

on Jun 16, 2004

People voting "because I just don't like that guy."

Or people voting because "I'd love to have a beer with that guy."

I wonder if by shortneing the presidential campaign voters would exercise acute reflection in lieu of all the b.s. that prevails for two years or more.