Constructive gadfly
Published on December 17, 2007 By stevendedalus In Politics
 The new darling of the internet has broken his own record of raising over $4mil in a day over the internet by $6mil yesterday. It just goes to show that donations by credit card is a hell of a lot easier than checks in the mail. It doesn't seem to matter what the candidate Ron Paul stands for when the Libertarians and the Birch Society are in accord! How do you figure?   
on Dec 18, 2007

There are always points of interesection between people and groups.  That does not mean they are in agreement, or that one embraces the other.  The John Birch society is a very conservative (VERY) ogranization that is against almost any government, and so are libertarians. 

However, the histrionics behind each are vastly different, as are their intended means and demigoging the way to lessen the government's role.  Tarring Libertarians with the brush of The JOhn Birch Society, is sadly, what the democrat party has become.  No longer able to debate ideas on their merit, they must now label anyone who does not agree with them, to be some type of hate monger (race, religion, color creed, etc.).  When in fact, the only ones injecting hatred into the debate are the democrats themselves.

For a liberal to hate what Ron Paul stands for is a given.  It is their antithesis.  And sadly, I guess I expect them to then use their fiery rhetoric to try to paint him and all his compatriots as racist hate mongers.  For it is now apparent that their only retort to an intelligent debate is to brand their oponents with the image they see in the mirror.

Sad and expected, but still not right.

on Dec 21, 2007
A tirade unjustified. I have no problem with most of Ron Paul's ideas--I, too, call for our troops based globally to come home--but libertarians go too far in blanketly lambasting government. As for JBS it is from another era and should fold its tent.