Constructive gadfly
Published on December 6, 2007 By stevendedalus In Politics

Unlike Bill Clinton I did oppose the war in Iraq as proposed “from the beginning.” But like Bill Clinton I acknowledged that the Gulf War was ongoing. It was in a state of continual truce interrupted by numerous Saddam infringes such as Kuwait border troop movement and repeated offensives on the no-fly zones. To be sure Saddam was a blundering strategist, having had to agree to a truce, not to mention the truce with Iran debacle, and being a damnable nuisance.

On the strength of its being a cake-walk Bush’s strategy to end this damn thing once and for all proved to be popular at the time even though most of the American public was opposed to troops on the ground, assuming Bush would resume and intensify strategic, merciless bombing. Most of the public viewed Saddam a paper tiger—mischievous and on his last legs of having any sphere of influence in the Mideast.

Then a funny thing happened on the way to ho-hum air attack theater, the marquee switched to threats of WMD impending or otherwise mattered with the enhancement of images of the mushroom cloud and Chemical Ali salivating over American cities. Before we knew it American Grunts were on the move following the fizzle of “shock and awe.”

Now we have the mockery of the “surge” whereby 25,000 troops have succeeded in what 130,000 troops couldn’t do. Once more the MSM has taken the bait and the war no longer headlined will go on, regardless of party, till 2013 and decades to follow.

on Dec 07, 2007
No, the MSM did not take the bait.  The only time anyone right of Mao gets their attention for doing something right is when a person left of Mao says it.  Even a mule will at least pay attention when you hit them square between the eyes with a 2x4.  Not so the nouveau Elitist that call themselves the press.
on Dec 08, 2007
For a "guy" who relies so much on "news" blurbs, you sure don't see that the mainstream both left and right tilt our thinking. 
on Dec 10, 2007

For a "guy" who relies so much on "news" blurbs, you sure don't see that the mainstream both left and right tilt our thinking.

"Our" as in the collective population of the country?  Yes, I do.  "Our" as in you and I?  No.  We have our strong biases, and I have noted that you, like me, read news with a large grain of salt.  We do not accept the headlines, but look for the causes and stories behind the headlines.

on Dec 10, 2007
on Dec 10, 2007
Most of the public viewed Saddam a paper tiger—mischievous and on his last legs of having any sphere of influence in the Mideast.

castro has been viewed as a paper tiger and on his last legs for what 40 years now.
on Dec 10, 2007

castro has been viewed as a paper tiger and on his last legs for what 40 years now.

Breaking News: This just in. Fidel Castro's condidtion is unchanged.

He is still dead.

on Dec 12, 2007

castro has been viewed as a paper tiger and on his last legs for what 40 years now.
Yes, but forty years of what purpose other than motivating the US to cut its nose to spite its face by enacting an ineffectual embargo.


on Dec 12, 2007

Yes, but forty years of what purpose other than motivating the US to cut its nose to spite its face by enacting an ineffectual embargo.

Psst.  It is part of the Anti Smoking campaign - embargo means no Cuban Cigars.

on Dec 15, 2007
embargo means no Cuban Cigars.
Ergo, big business smuggling them into the states.
on Dec 15, 2007

Ergo, big business smuggling them into the states.

Not even really that nefarious.  Just hop across the border and pick up as many as you want!

on Dec 17, 2007
Aye, Mexico, the revolving back door.