Constructive gadfly
Published on October 30, 2007 By stevendedalus In Politics
 Despite Hillary Bashing by not only Republicans but Democrat candidates, I pragmatically but ambivalently lean toward her as the next president. Unquestionably the perception is that she has high negatives by both sides and the pundit myth-makers—all of whom still think she should stay home and bake cookies—and I too feel low vibes but not for her personality—at least she has one which has been lacking in the White House—rather, I dislike her ties with shady fund-raisers and her cosy relationship with big business and Rubinomics. I’ve always held better big government than the alternative, but much preferred a legitimate partnership between the two.

Since she and her husband left the White House, they have become the nouveau riche, becoming a wealth-seeking duo venture: lecture tours, books, kick-backs allegedly from pardons, contrary to their meager money management of their past. Both are not only engaged in power politics but economic power as well—who can forget his $200 haircut while holding up flight schedules? [True, Edwards too is hypocritical indulging in $400 haircuts but his last one was $9!]

Still, it is better to be pro-business than anti-business, but it shouldn’t be an either/or issue we need business and labor to stay afloat if we are to regain a standard of living second to none. And government definitely has a hand in this as the esprit de corps of GM and UAW for recognizing the harsh reality of a global economy, and Wall Street’s cry for its perennial bail-outs.

This said, I think Hillary is moderately Machiavellian to scam her wealthy backers by doing what’s right for the nation in general. In the grim scenario of slimy politics it is better to have a Julius Caesar than a Brutus.

on Oct 30, 2007

Are you really saying that you back her BECAUSE she is a crooked, back biting Scam artist?

I guess she represents you well then.


on Oct 31, 2007

There is something to be said for the "devil you know" versus the one you dont.  But what is being said is very cynical, by the orator, not the candidate.

She may very well be the next president.  But she will never get my vote or respect.  She has richly earned my scorn and contempt.

on Oct 31, 2007
When she was First Lady, she made it a point to snub the military staff working in the White House. I don't see any reason to give her any more respect than she gave the troops and officers then.

Open snubbing and public ridicule is all the little whore deserves. (I know that is pretty insulting... to all the other little whores out there).
on Nov 01, 2007
She may very well be the next president. But she will never get my vote or respect

What if she turns out to manage the best administration in the past 40 years that have been in the White House?

I mean, I don't say she will, (people over here are expecting her to, but I doubt it's your case). But in case she is, and lead America to a good decenny of prosperity, you will still never have respect for her, despite her accomplishment?

(because "never" is a big word to say, specially in politics)
on Nov 01, 2007
Well, if she did that, then she'd be a liar, or so terrible at her job that she ends up doing the opposite of what she supports.
on Nov 01, 2007
What if she turns out to manage the best administration in the past 40 years that have been in the White House?

I mean, I don't say she will, (people over here are expecting her to, but I doubt it's your case). But in case she is, and lead America to a good decenny of prosperity, you will still never have respect for her, despite her accomplishment?

(because "never" is a big word to say, specially in politics)

You are right. Never is a big word. She could get my respect. If she ever learns to tell the truth and say those other big words....."I am sorry.".

Since I do not expect her to do either, I guess I should have said "I never expect for her to get my vote or respect."
on Nov 01, 2007
What if she turns out to manage the best administration in the past 40 years that have been in the White House?

she will not do as good a job as her husband let alone Reagan
on Nov 01, 2007
Obviously, then, very, very hig negatives!
on Nov 01, 2007
I guess she represents you well then.
Apparently, I as well have a very high negative on this site. Thank you very much.
on Nov 02, 2007
I wasn't really trying to make a poke at you persanally, it was more about the point that when we are voting for people to represent us, so when we vote, we need to vote for the person who represents us best.

I apologize for that line, it was unneeded, badly worded and didn't convey my point.