Constructive gadfly
Published on October 5, 2007 By stevendedalus In Politics

Frustration over illegal immigration is a kind of Catch 22. The Washington Post points out that even though funds for border patrol and its technology increased 1000 percent from 1986-2002; that is, from $150 million to $1.6 billion. Manpower increased threefold over the period. What once was three million illegals has increased to 12 million and still counting. The Post estimates $7.6 billion will be the projected cost by 2011 and some say as much as $30 billion. While immigrants keep coming over the border at the same rate, it appears likely that we can expect another 12 million to crossover.

It appears chasing symptoms rather than ferreting out causes—a dysfunctional Mexico and US hiring practices—there will be no easy solution as both sides of this issue is seen as either a cumbersome “comprehensive” policy or building a two thousand long wall. Then there is absence of Dutch Uncle diplomacy with Mexico to force the country to develop its resources and put millions to work there, not here by passing labor reform and granting free farmland. If this entails more foreign aid to Mexico, it is far better than wasting multi billions on virtual and physical fences.

Further, the labor department should do a thorough analysis of precisely how many Americans are unwilling to take on menial tasks and how many would if the pay scales were higher. Even more important is how many among the unemployed or unemployable are not willing. From the old days I understood that in order to earn payments under unemployment insurance one had to declare that he or she is “ready and willing to work.” This does not imply that an unemployed accountant should be willing to pick tomatoes but it does mean that an unskilled unemployed should. Moreover, the trend toward “choice,” planned parenthood and late marriages over the past forty years has contributed to labor shortages, not to mention the better educated being more selective in the labor market. Then it goes without saying that outsourcing and plant closings inevitably lead to a greater pool of temps and service workers and ought to be deployed in areas of the country where they are needed.

However, if in fact the need for ten or twelve million immigrants is indeed helping the nation, then outright amnesty—no strings attached—should be granted to those illegals gainfully employed. Provided we are serious about controlling our borders by setting up a barrier of fifty to seventy thousand national guardsman to show we mean business.


on Oct 05, 2007
It won't ever happen with the current climate.  We have nativists who want to blame every problem in our country on illegal immigration.  They are the bad guys du jour.  Isn't it funny how issues come in and out of the public eye. 
on Oct 05, 2007
We have nativists who want to blame every problem in our country on illegal immigration.

Typical Liberal tactic. Anyone who disagrees with your way of think should automatically be labelled with some stupid name you can toss out at them. Yes, everyone who feels that illegal immigration is a problem is a 'nativist'. I guess name calling is far easier.
on Oct 05, 2007
STEP ONE-- STOP any more illegal’s from entering the U.S. Redeploy the National Guard from Iraq to seal our border until we have non military manpower to STOP Illegal Immigration. Implement by January 2008.

STEP TWO - Require ALL employers to identify ANY non U.S. citizen employees to the Immigration Department. Increase the staffing at Immigration to be able to process these non citizen workers and keep track of them. Start in January 2008 with a completion date of December 2008.

STEP THREE - Develop a plan to provide for legal workers and decide how to handle the non U.S. Citizens identified in two above. Target date January 2009.

on Oct 05, 2007

I was going to comment, but then accidentily read Col's response.

And I shudder to think I actually agree with him.

on Oct 05, 2007
STEP ONE-- STOP any more illegal’s from entering the U.S. Redeploy the National Guard from Iraq to seal our border until we have non military manpower to STOP Illegal Immigration. Implement by January 2008.

how many dead people do you want on the border. no i am not saying that the national guard is going to open fire on anyone. but the first one to through a rock will be killed.

then we will be at war with mexico
on Oct 05, 2007

STEP ONE-- STOP any more illegal’s from entering the U.S. Redeploy the National Guard from Iraq to seal our border until we have non military manpower to STOP Illegal Immigration. Implement by January 2008.

how many dead people do you want on the border. no i am not saying that the national guard is going to open fire on anyone. but the first one to through a rock will be killed.

then we will be at war with mexico

Yeah, that's the spirit! Let's not protect our borders, someone trying to invade our country might get hurt.
on Oct 05, 2007
Yeah, that's the spirit! Let's not protect our borders, someone trying to invade our country might get hurt.

I DID NOT SAY NOT TO PROTECT THE BORDER. i said that to put the national guard on the border would put us in danger of going to war against the mexicans. not that we couldn't win that war.

the national guard is trained to help when needed. they are not trained to be police. which at the moment is what we need on the border.
on Oct 16, 2007

Let's not protect our borders, someone trying to invade our country might get hurt.

Neat irony--surely, there will be blood spilled--and why not?--with 70,000 troops on the border. 

LW: I am not taking issue with the wider scheme of immigration--academicians, students,  or other intellectual endeavors that fill the gaps of the workforce. You know perfectly well I'm speaking of downtrodden Mexicans that their country won't support and cross the border looking for any kind of lowlife job whereby they submit themselves to exploitation but still better off than had they stayed in Mexico. And it is evident that there is a labor shortage for these kinds of jobs since most of us will not clean cesspools and pick grapes. 

on Oct 16, 2007
Check out the numbers here, steven, before you advocate a blanket amnesty for that many illegals.
I did check it. The latest bloat is owing to the abrupt change of the US economy becoming primarily a service industry from high-tech, entertainment, to making beds in Las Vegas.   
on Oct 16, 2007
Typical Liberal tactic.
Wash your mouth. 
on Oct 16, 2007
plenty of unemployed (or underemployed) americans would be willing to do it.

actually with unemployment below 5% everyone looking for work is holding out for a better job. that is not to say everyone unemployed but the majority of them
on Oct 16, 2007
Prove it. Show me some facts and figures, daniel, other than ones you've pulled out of your pooper.

the same place you got yours.
on Oct 17, 2007

LW Granted, a poor choice. As a rule cesspool cleaning is a family owned business, and the youngest gets stuck with the chore of digging for the lid if they haven't already installed a pipe-fitting for pumping the waste into the truck. They seldom "dig" as they have backhoes for that. 

But I think you lost my point: "the labor department should do a thorough analysis of precisely how many Americans are unwilling to take on menial tasks and how many would if the pay scales were higher. Even more important is how many among the unemployed or unemployable are not willing."

on Oct 25, 2007
cesspool digger/cleaner
Usually a family business and the youngest gets the dirty work.