Constructive gadfly
Part 3
Published on September 25, 2007 By stevendedalus In Politics

Tax Change

A tax commission established to determine the best and fairest method of revenue to replace the current unwieldy tax system.Payroll tax shall be reduced 2% divided equally by employee and employer but the maximum cap will be increased to $400k with the modification to opt out over $250k. Medicare deduction, however, shall be increased by 1%.


All nations that trade with the USA must undergo strict standards that not only protect consumers here but the right of workers abroad.

Lingering Problem

If Iraq is still incapacitated politically all infrastructure aid and reparation to be terminated but for humanitarian assistance.


Washington lobbyists will have to publicly express the degree to which their solicitation is for the common good balanced by the degree of self-interest.

on Sep 25, 2007

Your tax change is confusing.  IN one sentence you appear to be talking about income, and then switch to FICA and then finally (as you do state it) the medicaid tax.

First, congress is never going to give up that power - the ability to reward or punish their pet peeves.  So anyone campaigning on a Tzar, I wouild not beleive (I would love it, just wont believe them).

Second, if you are talking FICA, I agree totally!  But again, it will never happen because of the lies that are being propigated by congress now (I would also set the threshold lower for opt out).  The lie is that it is a lock box and is your money.  By raising the maximum without raising the benefits (that would be just shere sophistry to promise both), it would become apparent to more people that it is just another tax, and not a retirement savings plan.  Again, like you, I would love to see it happen, but do not hold out any hope for it occurring so I would not believe anyone promising it.

And third, I would not go along with an increase in medicaid.  That is backdoor for Univeral health.  However, since you do support that (I think), I can see why you are rooting for that.

As for the other 3, Iraq is an extension of your wish on an early issue, and the other 2 are kind of hard to argue with (even if they do not have any chance of ever happening) as they are common sense.

Not bad overall so far, and the reason I would vote for you, just not any of your fellow party members currently running for the office. (and not many of the republicans either).

on Sep 26, 2007

Frankly, I'd like to see an end to tax incentives, credits and the like and come up with either a progressive national sales tax or a fair flat tax. That way the off-the-books thugs and illegal immigrants would have to carry their share.

Thanks for the stimulating comment.


on Sep 26, 2007

either a progressive national sales tax

That is an interesting comment.  HOw would that work?

As for the flat tax, that would not really solve the problem of the illegals or off the book thugs either.  As neither would still report the cash.  I just paid cash for some work at my house.  It is not my responsibility to report it, I just contracted with the person to do the work.  Will he report it?  I wont hold my breath.

on Oct 05, 2007

There are exceptions when it comes to pick up jobs. Still, I would link it to healthcare which should require at least a social security card.


on Oct 05, 2007

Still, I would link it to healthcare which should require at least a social security card.

You can buy one for $50.  And an illegal can carry one and never use it (like the Guatemalan in Florida who never paid any taxes in the last 7 years).  As I have become more knowlegeable about some of the illegals here in my area (a friend owns a landscaping business that I do his computer work for), I find that most are hard workers, honest, and dependable.  And they also dont pay taxes.  They work for cash.  After that, I have no idea where that money goes.  But to think they get a SS card and then become regular tax payers is a bit naive.  When my sons got their first real paycheck - and saw the chunk Uncle Sam took out of it, they were pissed!  As I was 40 years ago as well.

on Dec 01, 2007

They work for cash. After that, I have no idea where that money goes.
Precisely why we need a "comprehensive" plan so we know what the hell is going on.

btw, my sixty year pet-peeve has been these off-the-books "entrepreneurs" who have neve paid a dime in income tax

on Dec 02, 2007

my sixty year pet-peeve has been these off-the-books "entrepreneurs" who have neve paid a dime in income tax

Bragging about your extra 20 years of experience over me, eh?