Constructive gadfly
Part 2
Published on September 24, 2007 By stevendedalus In Politics

Federal Reserve

A Federal Reserve more attuned to the economic welfare of ordinary citizens in lieu of checking the pulse of the captains of Wall Street. For instance, the Reserve’s action on the current subprime disaster was more concerned over the lenders’ losses than the thousands of foreclosures.


Unquestionably there should be healthcare for everyone—why, even the Republicans are trying to compete, though still timid—including immigrants, illegal or otherwise who clearly are on the books and contribute to social security and the nation’s economy in general. Mandating an added payroll tax for Medicare or some other means of pay as you go for health protection. Government should subsidize employers of existing insurance for catastrophic claims. No longer will there be pre-existing clauses, nor pooling only those without high risk. Subsidies, too, for those without insurance and are below the poverty line.


Commerce acknowledges that inflation no matter how small can shortchange employees if there are not periodic raises. So, too, should the minimum wage be subject to automatic increases every other year.

No More NCLB

No child left behind program should be terminated and replaced with a return to fully funded Title I in order to upgrade “failing schools” along with extra pay for teachers who teach in these schools.

Shore Patrol

Navy And Coast Guard should be redesigned to aggressively target terrorism and illegal immigration, including Cuba, before reaching our shores.


In light of the deluge of commercials and network programming, it is essential the FCC closely monitor them to preclude those that cross the line of common decency and sexual innuendos. In addition, websites that are perverse and aim at the nation’s youth should be shutdown.

Wall Street Warriors Held in Check

The SEC should closely monitor questionable investment, particularly Hedge and Private Equity funds, along with shady subprime loans, and to prosecute severely when there are violations.

Campaign Tax

Since it is obvious that the majority of politicians are against restrictions of public funding, a 10% tax on all campaign funds collected and paid to a new budget item earmarked Infrastructure Enhancement. This new and permanent budget item will also entail a surtax of .05% on everyone’s tax form.

on Sep 24, 2007

Federal Reserve - No.  I disagree.  While not perfect, right now itis not beholding to anyone, just a concept.  Sure it can be improved, but trying to dictate direction is not the way to go.  It will only make it worse.

Healthcare - Again no, I disagree.  It is my right to decide if I want it or want to play roulette.  If I want it, I can try 2 different things. One is insurance.  The other is pay for it myself.

COLA - self defeating.  Just like raising the minimum wage.  It will not protect against inflation, it will only excaberate the situation.

NCLB - Yes and no.  Get rid of it, but make the schools more accountable from the local level, not the federal level.  Get involved there.

Shore Patrol - Yes on the Coast gaurd, no on the navy.  We would not survive if the only thing it protected was our coast.  There are a lot of open seas where our trade would be vulnerable.

FCC - Sorry, the Internet is just that. It is not American, and to restrict it would be to follow in the footsteps of China - and useless to boot.

Wall Street - 2 edge sword.  Do what you want, and then lower income people wouold not get loans.  It serv ed a purpose but was abused by lenders AND borrowers.

Campaign Tax - that is something to think about.

on Oct 04, 2007

FCC - Sorry, the Internet is just that. It is not American, and to restrict it would be to follow in the footsteps of China - and useless to boot.
except for Move, right[?]

Yes on the Coast gaurd, no on the navy. We would not survive if the only thing it protected was our coast. There are a lot of open seas where our trade would be vulnerable.
I wasn't implying the navy not be deployed round the world. But one thing is certain other allies should share the burden in our billion a month for years monitoring the Gulf.

on Oct 04, 2007

I wasn't implying the navy not be deployed round the world. But one thing is certain other allies should share the burden in our billion a month for years monitoring the Gulf.

Ok, that I agree with.

except for Move, right[?]

No, not even them. or, daily kos, puffinton host, or the smirking monkeys. I dont like them, but they have a right to post whatever they want.