Constructive gadfly
Part 1
Published on September 20, 2007 By stevendedalus In Politics

Abandon Iraq

Foremost, a plan for the US to abscond from the civil war in Iraq within a year of his/her administration at which time all troops and residuals are home. All military bases there must be swept clean with absolutely no armaments left behind. This withdrawal is to be done unilaterally, though diplomatic efforts such as an appeal to the UN and coöperative efforts from allies and the Arab League will be tested.Aggressive Diplomacy A strong State Department to mend relations with the world and to work toward a substantial goal of creative humanitarianism. To continue to work with allies to press Iran and North Korea to end their practices of brinkmanship. If Iraq is still incapacitated politically, aid and reparation will be terminated with the exception of humanitarian assistance in medicine, food, housing, and clothing. To avoid even the thought of preëmptive assault all diplomatic efforts must be pursued to its fullest. A strong US ambassador to the UN will press for action against nation’s guilty of genocide and/or inhumanity.

Defense Priority

A Defense Department that does just that—Dee-fense—requiring viable preventive tactics against terrorism by assisting Interpol and international special forces in routing terrorist cells. Revamp the armed services with the highest caliber of sophisticated weaponry and replenish the conventional arsenal depleted in Iraq. Preëmptive strikes without indisputable cause demonstrating clear and present danger and without support of Congress are prohibited.If prevention does become clearly necessary, under no conditions will ground troops be mobilized for frontal assault. In the event cash incentives is the only way to enhance recruitment for voluntary armed services and becomes exorbitant, a draft must be contemplated.


A moratorium on all immigration until a commission determines the nation’s requirements and only then will entry be allowed based on labor and intellectual needs. Illegal immigrants here now and gainfully and legally employed causing no drain on the nation will be have earned a certificate of pre-citizenship subject to 1% garnishment of wages and eligible for full citizenship in five years. Per diems and temps will be organized to work on community projects and subject to the same garnishment plus payroll tax and ultimate eligibility. Now free from Iraq duty much of the national guard will be deployed to no-nonsense border control.


on Sep 20, 2007

Interesting.  I doubt you will get your first.

YOur second, while noble, forgets the best defense (and it is not bombing aspirin factories in Sudan).

And your third?  At least it is a policy!  Which is more than I can say for any of the clowns (except the minor players) on either side have so far.

on Sep 20, 2007
Wow, I'm batting .333!
on Sep 20, 2007
But by the time I get finshed with this list, I'll have the batting avg of a pitcher.
on Sep 21, 2007

But by the time I get finshed with this list, I'll have the batting avg of a pitcher.

No, you are batting a lot better than that.  However, one player does not win a game.  The rest of your team is batting zero.

on Sep 24, 2007
Well, at least I can declare myself the MVP.
on Oct 05, 2007
Clever follow through on a metaphor