Constructive gadfly
Published on September 15, 2007 By stevendedalus In Politics

Forget about military and political shortcomings; perhaps more important is that only ten Iraqi factories are functioning minimally while the other 190 are still dysfunctional. Obviously this gaping hole contributes to the 70% unemployment, leaving millions to get sucked into the malcontent insurgency. This is in face of millions of American dollars spent on startup funds to industries, not to mention billions of occupation dollars for infrastructure with barely a spark at the end of the tunnel.

In light of the Katrina fiasco it follows that great expectations in Iraq are dampened.

on Sep 15, 2007
You even drank the mindless Katrina Kool Aid?  Is there any amount of press inspired stupidity you won't goosestep to?
on Sep 15, 2007
Stop with the goosestep crap--I could say you are being strangled by FOX.
on Sep 15, 2007
Ted has a point on Katrina.  Before, Bush was being slammed for not pouring money in there fast enough, now he is being slammed for the fraud and waste.  You cant have it both ways.  The truth is the failure of Katrina is not a federal issue.  As can be seen in Mississippi and Alabama where things are getitng back to normal.  The failure in Louisianna is the state and local corruption that has existed for a long time.  We can blame the democrats there, since they have run the state since reconstruction, but the truth is that Louisianna Democrats are that in name only.  They beleive in only one thing.  Vigorish.
on Sep 15, 2007
[quote]Stop with the goosestep crap--I could say you are being strangled by FOX.[/quote}

If the jackboots fit, goosestep in them.

For your info, I don't even have cable TV and haven't seen FoxNews in years.
on Sep 19, 2007


Ted has a point on Katrina.
Granted, though the administration handled it badly, the problem goes back to many administrations failing to fund the Army Corps to do the job right the first time.

I don't even have cable TV and haven't seen FoxNews in years
You have been blessed.


on Sep 19, 2007

the problem goes back to many administrations failing to fund the Army Corps to do the job right the first time.

I disagree, and facts do as well.  The money was there, but squandered by the state and local governments.  You can lead a horse to water........

on Sep 19, 2007
Granted, though the administration handled it badly, the problem goes back to many administrations failing to fund the Army Corps to do the job right the first time.

No, the problem was, those idiots Mayor Nagin and Gov Blanco chose not to follow their Emergency Management Office's disaster protocols. They did no evaluations of the disaster areas and had no idea what they needed by way of assistance from FEMA.

In other words, they got on tv and whined because other people wouldn't come in and do their jobs for them.
on Sep 19, 2007
In other words, they got on tv and whined because other people wouldn't come in and do their jobs for them.

IN other words - given Brad's recent article - they are losers. But then it is Louisianna..........