Constructive gadfly
Published on May 20, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

John F. Kerry should be boldly presumptuous and sit down with committed politicians and choose his cabinet before the convention.

Since America is still in a wartime frame of mind, the VP should be Wesley Clark.

Secretary of State should be tough minded but strong on peace, therefore Howard Dean

Secretary of Defense: McCain or Gen. Zinnia

Attorney General: John Edwards

Secretary of Veteran Affairs” Max Cleland.

Secretary of Labor: Richard Gephardt

Secretary of Health and Human Services: Bill Clinton

Secretary of Energy: Warren Buffet

Secretary of Interior: Ralph Nader

Secretary of Housing & Urban Development: Charles Rangel

Secretary of Education: Donna Shalala

Secretary of Transportation: Andrew Cuomo

Secretary of Commerce: Jesse Jackson

Secretary of Agriculture: Bob Dole

Secretary of Homeland Security: Bob Graham

UN Ambassador: Carol Moseley-Braun

on May 21, 2004
Some interesting picks. Can't see Clinton takong the job though, it's a bit of a comedown from his last job
on May 23, 2004
Yeah, I agree, besides he would be under scrutiny in associating with female government workers.
on May 23, 2004
if only cabinet posts were elected offices (ahahahaha if you think things are nuts now...)

i just found this but like everything else you post it was well worth checking out. quite an ensemble. clinton might go for secretary of state. nader isnt much of a team player and interior is too important to gamble with. im not sure what jackson would bring to commerce. otherwise, it works for me.