Constructive gadfly
Published on August 9, 2007 By stevendedalus In Politics
 The hype over Obama and Clinton is almost as deadening as that of Bonds and Aaron. Clinton and Aaron have much in common: Hillary is smugly tolerant in allowing Barack’s fleeting moments of fame just as Hank is sure the surrealism surrounding Barry will in the end evaporate and whose stats will terminate at 1998.
on Aug 10, 2007
I am not sure Aaron is like Clinton in this case.  I think he is being the epitomy of a gentleman in acknowledging Bonds achievements, and perhaps at some point, they will put an asterisk by Bond's name.  But I think Aaron understands that his record will be broken in time, as almost all records are, and so his life is not the fact that he has the record, but rather his accomplishments was in setting it.
on Aug 12, 2007
Quaintly put--despite the hint of resentment in Hank's voice and certainly Hillary's.