The liberal imperative—and what I mean by that is the liberated mind—for this election is that finally the voter is driven more by reality than sophistry playing on fear. “Stay the course” has worn out its flimsy cloth implying if we “cut and run” the terrorists will follow us home, along with handing over a state to Al Qaeda to forge its manifesto. The US voter now sees clearly—and certainly with anxiety—the longer we stay is in tandem with the relentless loss of American troops placed in the midst of a country having no interest in building a democracy but rather in what Islamic sect will reign supreme and in so doing render Al Qaeda irrelevant in Iraq.
Cut and run, or rather the better part of valor in the absence of a viable strategy to win, is designed to prevent the American troop death toll from reaching 3,000, which in itself is an exit strategy devoutly to be wished. So imperative is this call to prevent further casualties that all other issues are but secondary.
Copyright © 2006 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: October 26, 2006.