Constructive gadfly
Published on October 16, 2006 By stevendedalus In Politics

So it has all come down to this, eh? — Foley. Even if he results in the straw that broke the camel’s back, it will be a sad day for American politics. It would clearly be more important if voters concluded that the most recent soldier to die was sufficient grounds to turn a vote around.

In face of the prevailing issues — not self styled media issues — like a second look at the Patriot Act, the incompetence of Iraqi generals and the department of defense, the huge national debt, foreign trade imbalance, not to mention $ten trillion in personal debts, the obstinacy of the administration in face of international crises, energy independence, and the list goes on. Better for the democrats to simply question the validity of the antiquated Page Program, which is, I imagine, a privilege based on campaign donors and D.C. connections.

Copyright © 2006 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: October 16,  2006.


on Oct 16, 2006
Lucky for Republicans, you are not running the DNC!
on Oct 16, 2006
See we need more level headed {most of the time} people like you around to take BACK the dnc from the loons.. carry on!
on Oct 16, 2006
Issues? You are hoping a country that hasn't figured out that "reality TV" is an Oxymoron wakes up and votes based on issues?

Thank you!! Even though we often disagree, we'll stand together on this one! Issues should be how a candidate defines themselves, and they are what voters should use to weight their options and cast their ballots.
on Oct 16, 2006
WOW!! I feel like a rightwinger!
on Oct 16, 2006

WOW!! I feel like a rightwinger!

We are Borg.  You will be assimilated.

on Oct 16, 2006
Diddo on all replies.

WOW!! I feel like a rightwinger!

Welcome to the Dark Side, now you just need to find out who's your father.
on Oct 16, 2006

WOW!! I feel like a rightwinger!

I'm sure you'll get over it soon... but glad to see you enjoying it while it lasts ;~D

on Oct 16, 2006

now you just need to find out who's your father.
Sorry, I know who he is--FDR.

Ted, Yes, a momentary orgasm.

on Oct 17, 2006
Splendid article. We need to band together and take back the DNC. Then things might start to look up . . . With my youthful exuberance and strinkingly good looks and your down-to-earth ideals, we could make a killing . . . er, figuratively.
on Oct 17, 2006
You would need the fire of the 60s to accomplish that and about a dozen Woodstocks!
on Oct 18, 2006
You would need the fire of the 60s to accomplish that and about a dozen Woodstocks!

You get the fire, I'll organize the bands!