Constructive gadfly
Published on September 6, 2006 By stevendedalus In Politics

According to Bush, bin Laden is equivalent to Hitler. Why, then, was the attack on Tora Bora taken lightly?

By insisting on Rumsfeld’s resignation, the Democrats are cowardly using him as the fall guy for the chief culprits — Cheney and Bush.

Conservatives cry out that the Democrats have no alternative strategy for Iraq. Why should a neighbor be expected to scoop the poop of the dog next door?

Where was Lou Dobbs when Cuban exiles invaded Miami?

What’s the other option for amnesty — building more prisons?

If not minimum wage for Congress at least pay them per diem — like one day for this week.


Copyright © 2006 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: September, 6, 2006.


on Sep 06, 2006

Conservatives cry out that the Democrats have no alternative strategy for Iraq. Why should a neighbor be expected to scoop the poop of the dog next door?

The poop is not going to walk away on its own.  So you can do something about it, or keep complaining about it.  The democrats seem to think that complaining about it will grow it legs and let it walk away.

on Sep 06, 2006
Conservatives cry out that the Democrats have no alternative strategy for Iraq. Why should a neighbor be expected to scoop the poop of the dog next door?

This just proves why the streets of the US are full of garbage. No one wants to help clean up since it wasn't them who made the mess in the first place. Is this what we want as our leaders? Oh yea, I forget, their solution is for me to pay more taxes so they can pay someone else to clean it up for them.
on Sep 06, 2006
Conservatives cry out that the Democrats have no alternative strategy for Iraq. Why should a neighbor be expected to scoop the poop of the dog next door?

This is a misleading statement. "If" the dems were to get into power what are they going to do about Iraq? Just leave our troops there? Therefore they "need" to have anternative plan!

What’s the other option for amnesty — building more prisons?

(not laughing)
on Sep 06, 2006
What’s the other option for amnesty — building more prisons?

(not laughing)

I'm not one to think of sending someone to prison for stealing food if they were gonna feed their families. I do how ever believe that illegals are breaking the laws and should be sent back home and we should find a better way to stop them from crossing over again. Prison? Not sure that will help. But that's just me.
on Sep 06, 2006

should be sent back home
Purely, yes, but logistically, costly and practically impossible. I say put twenty thousand troops on the border and stop immigration altogether there and in a year if effectiual, grant amnesty without a hitch to those illegals here.

on Sep 06, 2006

Just leave our troops there? Therefore they "need" to have anternative plan!

You can bet on the Dems to scoop up the troops from there.

on Sep 06, 2006
(not laughing)
Oh, but what a cost; then again the illegals could be used to construct their own prisons.
on Sep 06, 2006
The poop is not going to walk away on its own. So you can do something about it, or keep complaining about it.
Dems are in deep shit,then?
on Sep 06, 2006

Dems are in deep shit,then?

Not if these poops are made for walking.