Constructive gadfly
Published on September 2, 2006 By stevendedalus In Politics

There was a time in the last century when parties grew in their thinking toward problem solving; voters were confident that politicians came to Washington to improve a nation, not to undermine it. Few politicians wanted to turn back the clock. Now the populace is led by vicious infighting and dishonest media to believe that the past seventy years of limited progressive heritage was a nightmare that must be effaced.

In fact, we cannot really bring to question the decision to go to war and the path to end it, lest fires of Vietnam flares. We are even handicapped in trying to redefine the war, lest we be accused of wimping out on the “war on terror” and now failing to recognize the “Islamo-fascist” enemy we are “told” is out to rule a world defined by terrorism — even though those in charge aren’t really doing anything effectually. I sometimes think American politics relishes this diversion rather than having to do the hard work of rebuilding our own nation.

Rather than a nation of diversity, it is indeed a nation of diversions. We are slammed with reality shows, irrelevant entertainment awards, sicko movies and stars, riotous sports enthusiasm — why, we are even diverted by the hapless fate of darling Pluto! We are bombarded by self-serving preachers of faith that do the same as extreme Islamists by bastardizing its core of peace and good will with total bullshit of Armageddon, the slavish kiss of death in totally supporting Israel’s hubris, and domestically stoking flames under lifestyles different from their own.

We no longer solve problems; we create them.


Copyright © 2006 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: September, 2, 2006.


on Sep 03, 2006
It's good to see you posting again, Stevendedalus.

Good bit.
on Sep 03, 2006
We no longer solve problems; we create them

how much more profitable would problem manufacturing be if outsourced?   
on Sep 03, 2006

No, the nation has not changed.  But the Media has.  it is no longer acceptable to report, they must pontificate.  Why?  For the first time the conservatives gained control, and the democrats play to the biased media.   And the media hates it.  For they are the law givers now.  The ones that know, yet they know not.

Nothing has changed except the media. Which seems to be warped and bent on vengence.  For nothing they can control.  They just found out, they are impotent, and like all impotent people, they lash out.  And their anger has no focus, just anything that gets in the way.

on Sep 04, 2006
how much more profitable would problem manufacturing be if outsourced?
We're already doing that except it's unprpfitable when Japan and China call in the bonds.
on Sep 05, 2006

Thanks Def! LOL

Doc, So the Republicans sermonize from the mount, eh? And the rest of the Media must fall in line with FOX and regard the sermon as Gospel.  


on Sep 05, 2006
the democrats play to the biased media. And the media hates it.

while the biased media may appear to hate the democrats playing to them, in the end those who own the presses and the upload dishes--rupert murdoch and sun myung moon come to mind when i think of biased media moguls--are gonna hedge their bets. whatever editorial policy they proclaim or ideology they appear to favor, ultimately their primary interest is the kind that accumulates per annum on their principle (which they collect from rubes who've been scammed into believing they're men of the other kinda principles).

For they are the law givers now.

They just found out, they are impotent, and like all impotent people, they lash out

how is it possible the media can be both law givers and be powerless? and if they are powerless as you claim, how does anything they do matter? (you might wanna start reading what you've typed before you hit the submit button.)
on Sep 05, 2006

Doc, So the Republicans sermonize from the mount, eh? And the rest of the Media must fall in line with FOX and regard the sermon as Gospel.

No, questioning is one thing.  Pontificating is another. And I did not exempt Fox from my tirade.

on Sep 05, 2006

while the biased media may appear to hate the democrats playing to them

No, you forgot the period between the 2.  The media does not hate the democrats playing to them, they hate the fact that they are not running the country as they virtually did from the early 70s until the mid 90s.  Sorry for not being clearer.

on Sep 05, 2006

(you might wanna start reading what you've typed before you hit the submit button.)

Sorry again.  I missed the not. They are NOT the law givers now.