Constructive gadfly
Published on July 27, 2006 By stevendedalus In Politics

The greater the punishment, the greater resistance and resentment. The amoral streak entrenched in all terrorists and thugs want collateral damage in order to rile civilians against the “aggressors,” particularly when an “invader” is opposed to victims’ beliefs and ways of life. It is wishful thinking that a “once and for all” form of punishment and then “leave us in peace” will soothe the savage beast when the degree stops short of total oppression and empire consummation on the part of Israel. Of course history teaches us that all empires eventually fall because local customs, religious beliefs and subversive ideologies preclude total assimilation and eventuate imperial attrition.

Our own benign commitment in Afghanistan in which the Taliban continues to crawl out of the rocks is indicative of the harm of hedging in a time of war. That bin Laden is a fearful ghost of a man cringing in his own spider hole, is of little consolation when the misdirected and vicious spirit of Qaeda is alive and well. The congressional resolution of “regime change” brings to mind the cliché “be careful what you wish” for in relation to Iraq.

Israel’s only solution is a low profile but with a higher wall and a missile defense system second to none. Though good fences may not make good neighbors, at least bad neighbors are walled out. In the end that is all Israel can hope for.

Copyright © 2006 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: July, 27, 2006.

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