As long as abortion was illegal and secretive it was not an issue. When Roe took it out of the closet it was no longer a private issue because religion made it public and the decision made it politics. Abortion, not unlike homosexuality, was rarely thought of except for the subculture of midwives, hungry doctors and criminal entrepreneurs involved. In the light of day abortion prompted the self anointed religious and moral doomsayers out of the woodwork to pass judgment, rightly or wrongly, not only on abortion but planned parenthood, and heretofore innocuous preventive contraception. This was the severe price to pay for the court decision of Roe v. Wade which spiraled endlessly in debate and state by state attrition.
Frankly, it would be far better to overturn Roe and be done with it so that privacy can get back to being private. If a woman has a health problem or the fetus shows a clearly serious birth defect it is up to her to decide on late-birth abortion. For those in the first trimester, the family doctor should be free to advise and perform if necessary. It would be wise for states to overturn their own laws against abortion, while closing down public clinics. If contraceptives of all kinds have to come down from the shelves and placed behind the counter, so be it; but no pharmacist should be permitted the luxury of religious conscience when a customer requests a product. Parents of indiscreet teenagers are free to make a religious choice if they insist the child go through with it, but they must guarantee moral and financial support, or the church involved should come to the aid. A minor, however, has no obligation to apprise the family of her condition if she wishes to chance the back alleys, though I suspect in these modern times black market with much improved facilities will be available.
Bring back the privacy of crime.
Copyright © 2006 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: June 26, 2006.