Constructive gadfly
Published on June 23, 2006 By stevendedalus In Politics

Senator Santorum uncovers Iraqi “WMD.”

Kerry’s timetable runs out of time.

If there is premature withdrawal Cheney claims terrorists will follow to take the war to us.

Global warming will no longer be a threat — when gasoline reaches ten dollars a gallon.

Beware! Twenty year old mustard gas can still give you a hot foot.

Connie Chung is the next American Idol.

Except for the Iraqis right to kick us out, only General Casey can draw down troops; Congress can’t.


on Jun 23, 2006
Have you seen that Connie Chunch bomb?  She is the new William Hung!
on Jun 26, 2006
Isn't diversity great!?
on Jun 26, 2006

Isn't diversity great!?

it keeps us laughing.

on Jul 05, 2006
You are truly an avantgarde liberal. The true liberalism was good and strong from FDR to JFK. I would have gladly been a liberal back then but not now. Ultra modern liberalism has no depth, structural integrity or real focus. It has lost it`s economic and social might and wants to divide and conqour by fighting a cultural war. This can be seen in high schools and universities across the country.