Constructive gadfly
Published on May 13, 2006 By stevendedalus In Politics
Naturally we oppose preferential treatment for anybody — except our own kind, family and friends. Anything beyond is alien, and most particularly beyond our control. The number of eleven million illegal immigrants already in the country — not counting those with visa overstays and fraudulent green cards — is simply too overwhelming for INS.

The borders must be fully protected by federalized military, and by hardball politics with Mexico and corporations that do business south of the border to eventuate better jobs and standard of living there. Not until progress has been made, particularly on the border, should there be an open declaration of amnesty for any and all who are on legitimate payrolls, together with documentation from IRS. Those who are illegally employed must apply for identity-proof working papers that would document how and where the current employment is illegal even at the risk of losing said job, though the INS would pressure the employer to do right just as the IRS should be investigating the millions of so-called citizens working off the books. Needless to say, law enforcement agencies should randomly check for criminal records.

To expect illegal immigrants to accept thousands of dollars in fines — all but a handful could afford — while getting in back of the line to citizenship is fantasy. As for the prerequisite of speaking English, the first generation as in the past will learn from their kids. Just ask Miami.


Copyright © 2006 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: May 13, 2006.

on May 13, 2006

YOu are so wrong on so many areas.  We cannot prevent murder.  Should we make it legal?  They pay thousands to mules to get here.  Because they can afford it.  Excusing crime will not stop it.

just because you cannot stop every murder does not mean you should make it legal.

on May 14, 2006
This is not a moral issue, but if you insist the native American has the right to kick our asses out of here. You seem to gloss over the logistic imperative--an insoluble nightmare.
on May 14, 2006

As for the prerequisite of speaking English, the first generation as in the past will learn from their kids. Just ask Miami.

They "should"... but that just ain't happening! What I don't understand is that the gov "knows" where approx 9.5 million illegals are. Due to phony SS numbers and filing false tax returns. "Why" haven't they gone after them?
on May 14, 2006
steven you are such a good man, but live in a fantasy world.

If america does not take drastic action to close borders, we will soon be over run by illegals! This would be the second amnesty {reagan was first} a second amnesty would just open the flood gates with people hoping for a third, then a fourth.
on May 18, 2006

The hardliners who think border control is the wherewithal are equally fantaziing. The only way to go is declaring a no-nonesense militarized zone, yet they object to that. Proposing  a six thousand unarmed national guard is ridiculous. To fight "invaders" blood has to be spilled. Those who are here already cannot be rounded up; they should be accepted not unlike millions of Cuban exiles.

on May 18, 2006

The hardliners who think border control is the wherewithal are equally fantaziing. The only way to go is declaring a no-nonesense militarized zone, yet they object to that. Proposing  a six thousand unarmed national guard is ridiculous. To fight "invaders" blood has to be spilled. Those who are here already cannot be rounded up; they should be accepted not unlike millions of Cuban exiles.