Constructive gadfly
Published on April 29, 2006 By stevendedalus In Politics

I was appalled at the time in ‘93 when the generals like little children stamped their feet in protest — virtually a coup — over Clinton’s executive order to permit Gays in the military. I am equally disappointed — since they waited until their comfortable pensions were secure—in the retired generals demanding the resignation of Rumsfeld, who on his own cognizance should have resigned three years ago for taking — as Iraq was not his initiative — the brunt of criticism for the Bush and Cheney’s steamroll to a politically-oriented preëmptive war. The secretary of defense is the last line of counsel in advising the commander in chief; he failed to do that and, in a sense, went along with the neocons.

Apolitical civilian control of the military is crucial to democracy; yet at the same time there should be an open collegium among the Joint Chiefs and field commanders in order to serve the secretary wisely, so he or she can with integrity advise the president and Congress on threats to national defense and at what cost in human lives.


Copyright © 2006 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: April 29, 2006.

on Apr 29, 2006
what a right on the money article. Some of your less informed ilk seem to think Generals should run things, forgetting in every country they have run things they took over and ran or is still running the country.
on Apr 29, 2006
Thanks. Now, if I could just convince you that corporate generals should be put in their place.
on Apr 29, 2006
#2 by stevendedalus
Saturday, April 29, 2006

Thanks. Now, if I could just convince you that corporate generals should be put in their place.

on Apr 29, 2006
The runaway CEOs that are selling off our treasures for the bottom line.
on Apr 29, 2006
You think business should be about something besides the bottom line? You think that it ever would be, even if we tried to do it differently? Those bread lines are awfully long in places where they claim to have "the people" in mind, but party members never seem to be standing in them.

To me that is about reality, not idealism. I find it strange that realities take the stage in terms of abortion, drugs, sex, etc., but in terms of economics the Left can't read 100 years of writing on the wall...

Re: the original article... lol.

I agree with you. I'm no fan of civilian leaders who think they are better at "strategery" (like... Lincoln), but it's obvious to me that this is political, not military. If this was anything but that these guys would have been out there pounding away years ago instead of waiting until the run-up to the 2006 elections...
on Apr 30, 2006
The runaway CEOs that are selling off our treasures for the bottom line.

Sorry Steve, but bakerstreet is 110% correct on this. Economics 101 tells us that business is "all" about the bottom line. If it wasn't they wouldn't stay in business very long.
on Apr 30, 2006
Reply By: stevendedalusPosted: Saturday, April 29, 2006explain.The runaway CEOs that are selling off our treasures for the bottom line.

sorry it took so long to get back, was busy counting all the money I made from illegal aliens and price gouging.
on May 01, 2006

sorry it took so long to get back, was busy counting all the money I made from illegal aliens and price gouging.

Dont forget to send me my cut.

on May 13, 2006

business is "all" about the bottom line.
If that were really true, don't you think the CEOs would show some discipline in options, salaries and golden chutes to increase the bottom line for stockholders?


Dont forget to send me my cut.
Gosh, Doc, you're so bottom line-ish!


on May 13, 2006

Left can't read 100 years of writing on the wall...
Oh, but they do! Since Marx the Dems have been very much with the politics of economic determinism that came to fruition during the New Deal--the bottom line for the very bottom!

on May 13, 2006
sorry it took so long to get back, was busy counting all the money I made from illegal aliens and price gouging.
Shame on you.

on May 13, 2006

Gosh, Doc, you're so bottom line-ish

Aren't we all?

on May 14, 2006
business is "all" about the bottom line.
If that were really true, don't you think the CEOs would show some discipline in options, salaries and golden chutes to increase the bottom line for stockholders?

Excuse me, but business is ALL about the bottom line. It's ALL about making money! They don't make any money, they go bankrupt. And POOF! No more business, simple as that. Take a business class or 2 and then come back and talk your talk.