Constructive gadfly
Published on February 28, 2006 By stevendedalus In Politics

I would rethink my preference for Bush, Commander in Chief, who wishes to stay the course because he is loath to acknowledge the serious blunder of his preëmptive war and particularly in rallying the populace round the flag of deception.

I should have suspected the ken of a prodigal son who defies his own father’s sagacity in favor of lionizing a surrogate father who, in eliminating all candidates for the Vice Presidency, chose himself.

I would reflect on my decision to choose a candidate, fearing extinction, would confer with a sinister religious force in South Carolina to smear the mental health of McCain having spent too much time as a POW. Then again, why sympathize with McCain when he himself imputed Alzheimer to Murtha.

I should have seen that it made little sense to scoff at a mythical surplus, ignoring a prodigious national debt, in order to delude the public that corporate and individual wealth will magically morph into common wealth. Still, I have to admit I’m doing okay as a stock clerk at Wal*Mart.

Though I — still infested with Clinton’s baggage — excused him for ignoring an ominous terror threat while on the ranch, had I a brain I would not have exonerated him for being on the ranch while Katrina was raging.

It seemed okay to spy on citizens, but then I should have realized when my eighty year old mother’s heirloom hair-pin was confiscated at the airport that she could be next.

Thanks to FOX News, I learned of all the wonderful events taking place in Iraq — schools, hospitals, jobs, pipelines, roads — common sense would have directed me to the declining infrastructure of my own neighborhood.

Not supporting the troops was betrayal; I should have reasoned that those against the war meant saving troops’ lives.

Global warming is a myth; then with a pulsation of sorts, I sweated through Whirling Wilma.

The right t bear arms is a constitutional right; then Cheney went on a hunting trip.

Why not entrust my social security to stock brokers, yet how could I ignore that Wall Street awards its brokers with $15 billion a year in bonuses on top of already healthy commissions? — a brain would have helped.

Copyright © 2006 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: February 28, 2006.

on Feb 28, 2006
Ah, you do write well!  Of course if he had a brain, then we would be in the dumps and he would be lying in court and screwing his intern, right?
on Feb 28, 2006
My mama always told me "don't cry over spilled milk". You gasta learn to live with your mistakes, not like you can go and take a DeLorean at 88 MPH and add a brain to your future.

As Marilyn Manson once sang "The weak ones are there to justify the strong"
on Feb 28, 2006
No, more promiscuous than Clinton, Bush screws the nation.
My mama always told me "don't cry over spilled milk".
But I bet she made you clean it up.