Constructive gadfly

Assault weapons should be shouldered by every citizen except for elementary and high school students, who must carry switch blades at all times.

A new kind of mass transportation is necessary — the goal is to put a Lincoln Navigator in every garage.

Every homeless person is entitled to a plastic sheet to cover his cardboard shelter.

The right wing should end its diatribe against abortion and favor tying up the fallopian tubes of single mothers.

The affluent do so much good for the country already and must not be taxed at all.

Liberals should stop feeling the pain of the poor, and legislate forced labor camps.

The only way to fight al Qaeda is to bomb a Mosque in retaliation for each act of terror instinctively presumed Islamic.

North Korea should be the destination for outsourcing American jobs — they’ll be so busy they won’t have labor-time for nuclear bombs.

Since Bush is running as a wartime president, he should invade France after the June deadline for Iraq.

Kerry should go one better and call for a constitutional amendment banning marriages altogether.



on Mar 16, 2004
Oh, this is wonderful!!!
on Mar 16, 2004
You left out the conquest of Canada .

Immigrants will be required to have a large neon "I" tattooed on their forehead.

Inability to operate electronic devices will be grounds for bannishment to the new Commonwealth of Iran.

( This could get real strange )
on Mar 19, 2004
I like the idea of tattoed immigrants; and maybe immigrants and CEOs could be banished to Iran and Iraq.
on Mar 20, 2004
Lol funny.
on Apr 07, 2004
But what are we going to do about the increasing number of morons? No offense! I just felt like saying something. I'm really, kinda tired right now.

Capt. over and out!
on Apr 07, 2004
Keep voting for your Republicans, you'll get what you want. Even the "I" tattoos (at a cost -but required) with a green card.