Constructive gadfly
Published on February 20, 2006 By stevendedalus In Politics

If the Religious Right and Neo-Catholicism become the ruling party thereby canonizing all the Republican Presidents of the United States, will all saintly images be effaced from history books and cartoons and pictures of the contemporary presidents be off limits? Or— even worse — will each of the canonized be depicted with beards, halos and biblical robes bestowing blessings upon the worshiping majority while wreaking vengeance on the infidels of the soul-less minority? Subsequently, will the Christian soldiers brandishing their swords, and shields of the Holy Rood, corral the Satanic secularists — particularly the pro-choice Magdalenes — and submit them to the canon of Bishops, O’Reilly, Hannity and Limbaugh, the vindictive Triumvirate of the New Inquisition?

Lastly, will free speech — but for the din of the Falwell-Robertson pulpit — be categorized as mere mythology, and all political cartoons shredded and their artists burned at the stake?


Copyright © 2006 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: February 20, 2006.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 24, 2006
One day, as Jesus was preaching in the temple, some people brought before him a prostitute. They demanded that he pass judgement on her, and condemn her to death by stoning. This was the legaly penalty for prostitution. Jesus would have to issue such a ruling in order to protect his reputation as a teacher of the law.

However, instead of condemning the woman to death, Jesus knelt and wrote something in the dirt at his feet.

Then he stood up and said, "let someone who is without sin cast the first stone".

No sooner had the words left his mouth than a rock came arcing over the heads of the assembled crowd, and struck the prostitute right between the eyes.

"Mom!" Jesus exclaimed. "Stop doing that!"

LOL, now that is funny. Am I offended (I am catholic)? Not at all. It is just a joke. And a great one I might add.

Sorry to say I still don't get the article but let's just leave it at that. I am not interested anymore. Hehe.
on Feb 24, 2006
I learned that joke from my sister, who is actually a Protestant with Eastern Orthodox tendencies--a bizarre combination.

She decorates for Christmas every year by putting up Christmas cards she's received in previous years.

The card that always gets the most prominent placement is one that has a picture of Jesus in all his glory on the front, with the caption "Happy Birthday to me!"

Inside it says, "Merry Christmas to you!"
on Feb 27, 2006
Also, the implication that an increase in the power and influence of Protestants and Catholic would lead to the downfall of a nation is pretty unrealistic.
Dismissing a theocratic trend in this country is damnably unrealistic--particularly in light of our current conflicts with extreme theocracies. And how do you explain the love affair the religious right has with Israel--rather unlikely bedfellows--but for the strained hope to save Jerusalem for the future Judgment? You're also dismissive in face of the current cartoon frenzy which I attempted to depict in parody. Btw the joke's intent was to show that "Mom" was the precurser of Catholicism that Jesus unwittingly brought about.

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