Constructive gadfly
Published on February 2, 2006 By stevendedalus In Politics


"There is a marketplace in American society," he said.

"There's also a responsibility for energy companies to continue to invest and improve the ways that the American people can get energy," he said. "I would very much hope that Exxon would participate in the development of a pipeline out of Alaska, for example, in order to make sure there's more natural gas available for families and small business owners so the economy will grow."

Why simply hope that businesses will do the right thing? A strong president would call them to the White House and jawbone the hell out of them until he got them to act on social responsibilty.  

Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 06, 2006
Yeah, I'm sure they are impatiently waiting in the on-deck circle.

Not far from reality. Believe it or not there are many business leaders in each party that are waiting for the right time to step up so their contributions will not go unnoticed by the The White House.
on Feb 19, 2006
$36 billion by being stupid.

No, greedy.
So It's a matter of deciding what would you want more. I personally would rather not have the Gov't involved and find ways to deal with these companies such as not buying their products or in Exxon's case use less fuel as often as possible. It seems like a no win situation to me.
Thoughtful, yet what is government for if not to watchdog those who go against the public good?
on Feb 19, 2006
"Thoughtful, yet what is government for if not to watchdog those who go against the public good?"

That's a matter of perspective. I think most corporate moguls would argue that what they are working for is the good of their employees and stockholders. The Ken Lays not withstanding...
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