Constructive gadfly
Published on January 7, 2006 By stevendedalus In Politics

WASHINGTON - In an ominous election-year sign for Republicans, Americans are leaning sharply toward wanting Democrats to take control of Congress, an AP-Ipsos poll finds. Democrats are favored 49 percent to 36 percent.

I'm not popping the champagne yet--it's a long way to November. Scandals of the control party notwithstanding, does not imply the Dems are innocent; there's plenty of on-the-take Dems from sleaze ball lobbyists. In addition, they still need a forceful message, which doesn't seem to be forthcoming. 

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 07, 2006
I'll guarantee that the col isn't poking fun. He was serious.

A given, he definitely needs to lighten up and get off the kick of Bush-bashing.
on Jan 08, 2006
I'll guarantee that the col isn't poking fun. He was serious.

A given, he definitely needs to lighten up and get off the kick of Bush-bashing.

You know, really I don't mind people coming down on GW. I "like" him and I did vote for him and I "do" stick up for him however....that does not mean I agree with him 100%. Some of the stuff he's done, I do not agree with. That being said, it's one thing to disagree with him. It's something else entirely to take every perceived ill and try to pin it on GW "every" time you open your mouth.
on Jan 08, 2006

Does anybody have some details on the exact specifications of this poll?

Apparently not, and that's the problem with polls. And if what you heard is correct, then the poll is invalid.

Most of the problem with polls, is that they MSM conducts them!

on Jan 08, 2006

Up here in Canada I just read the latest poll and it shows the Conservative party ahead of the Liberal party by a couple of percentage points in our upcoming election. The other thing happening to me right now is I need to take a crap.

Yea, but that has been the case for a few years now.  However, the Liberals combine with the NDP to form a majority, right?  I think that is why Latour says NDP has the Liberals by the balls.

on Jan 08, 2006
Some of the stuff he's done, I do not agree with. That being said, it's one thing to disagree with him. It's something else entirely to take every perceived ill and try to pin it on GW "every" time you open your mouth.

I buy into that.
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