Constructive gadfly

The site overwhelmingly is on the side of Bush’s approach to spying at home. Echoing fear-mongers across the nation on the spy issue, there is little room for debate. If we don’t go along with the manner in which the CIA and NSA gather evidence the following is shouted out:

            Listening in on terrorists will prevent another Sept. 11. [as though helter-skelter listening in on tens of thousands of citizens will defy the huge odds]

            Blocking this espionage would undercut the war on terror. [I thought the war on terror was in Iraq and we’re not apparently doing too well even there listening in on insurgents]

            Listening in is essential to our national security, according to Bush. He doesn’t even bother to add the end justifies the means. [I thought the development of democracy in the Middle East was the essence of the war on terrorism]

            Can’t fool around with red-tape and allow the warm tip to grow cold.[who are they kidding here? — you mean they are that stupid to listen in without taping the conversations]

            Opposing monitoring at a fearful time when vigilance should be at a high level of alert is irresponsible. [Like letting sharp-pointed scissors and not checking cargo on airplanes, huh]

            Terrorists don’t play by the rules, so why should we?[the high and mighty should stoop to their miserable level]

            Senators are more concerned over civil rights than saving lives and weaken defense.[You said that I didn’t]

            The president is the only elected official sworn to protect citizens from all enemies foreign and domestic.[therefore the right to violate the law]

Comments (Page 6)
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on Dec 31, 2005

If you think that statement by Bush reflected well on his judgment, then your judgment is faulty. It has nothing to do with Bush Bashing but a factual statement about GWB.
on Dec 31, 2005

If you think that statement by Bush reflected well on his judgment, then your judgment is faulty. It has nothing to do with Bush Bashing but a factual statement about GWB.

You may think that if you want. But it just shows exactly what I'm talking about! Every word out of your mouth comes out for one reason only you one trick pony. And that is to bash Bush! We have NEVER heard a good word come out of your mouth about anything Bush has done. So save us a big headache and just go away little man!
on Jan 01, 2006
I haven't read every post, so forgive me if I'm reiterating something here.

So many in America today are all too quick to forget that so much that is debated in our war on terror has already been implented and used previously, with no lasting impression on our rights as citizens.
In the Civil War, Lincoln's government kept a wide eye for Confederate sympathizers in the North, suspended Haebeus Corpus and managed the press.

I both WW1 and WW2, the government not only managed the press, but openly encouraged spying on its own people, both by government agencies (FBI, OSS) and by the people themselves, who often gave tips to those agencies, whether they panned out or not.
They were constantly warned to be ever vigilant against the "Fifth Column". Sometimes this did work, as with the German saboteurs that came ashore somewhere in New England, I believe it was. And as I'm sure we're all aware, Japanese-American citizens were sent to concentration camps by the thousands, with no real evidence against them except their ancestry.
Why should this war, in which we've already lost over 3,000 innocent people in a completely unprovoked attack, be any different?
on Jan 01, 2006
because it is Bush, and we all know how wrong Bush is....
on Jan 02, 2006
Why should this war, in which we've already lost over 3,000 innocent people in a completely unprovoked attack, be any different?
It shouldn't; however, we have lost direction and are all over the lot in tracking down the real culprits--the Taliban, Osama, and Zarqwai.
on Jan 02, 2006
It shouldn't; however, we have lost direction and are all over the lot in tracking down the real culprits--the Taliban, Osama, and Zarqwai.

that bin laden was able to escape and remain free (despite all that tough talk immediately after 911 which seems to have evaporated at this point) is troubling enough.

to have created a niche ripe for exploitation by an al-zarqawi enabling him to operate against us while avoiding capture is equally disturbing.

having bin laden, al-zarqawi, al-zawahiri & mullah omar on the loose at the same time seems to me inexcusable in the sense no excuse is sufficient.

furthermore, the nsa AND the fbi had--independently from each other--detected and were monitoring communications between the 911 hijackers who lived in san diego and al-quaeda operatives outside the usa for at least a year (if i remember correctly) prior to 911.

if the government is going to claim extraordinary powers by claiming it's necessitated by national security (a concept i oppose from the jump), it should, at very least, also make an extraordinary effort to get it right.
on Jan 03, 2006
Thank you, colleague of the JU silent minority.
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