Constructive gadfly
Published on December 16, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics

The difference between Bush lies and Clinton’s is a matter of lying under oath. Clearly Bush didn’t. His only oath was to uphold the Constitution as President and Commander in chief. He had done that by going, however reluctantly, to Congress for approval, which he received regardless of the underlying nuances. Still, he did go to the UN for further acceptance, in one respect it was an ultimatum.

The irony of all this is that he did not as commander in chief need do either; for, the cease-fire of the Gulf War had been violated many times and it would have been his right to police the cease fire of an existing war, ending once and for all unending infractions with the strategy to force an unconditional surrender and unseat Saddam from power. However, a dictator’s obduracy is insufficient grounds to invade a country under these circumstances, lest Bush really look like a warmonger. Thus, he chose the path of unbelievable pre-conditioned deception in exaggerating and dramatizing the threat.

Notwithstanding this deception, it is not impeachable, even if deliberate, which it was, because Bush could easily claim that the disinformation was to confuse the enemy in Iraq, not — lest the strategy be leaked — the Congress and the American people. Nor is incompetence reason for impeachment — in this case clearly exposed — as Lincoln was thought of as incompetent in the early years of the Civil War until he routinely fired his generals until he found the right one. Bush could have been Lincolnesque except he is loyal to a fault to those who slavishly follow his commands and feed him misinformation on the status of combat, just as he had intensely misled them for the invasion in the first place.

Accountability also is unimpeachable, even though he admits he was misled by Intelligence but would have gone to war anyway! And he would quickly point out that John Kerry said the same thing!

Besides, whatever the motivation for war — oil, humanitarian, neo-con pressure, his image of the bullhorn fading, or simply to spite his father — his defense against impeachment is convincing because he cannot be held accountable for the unaccountability of the real demons, Congress and the American people, for embarrassingly not seeing through the duplicity.

Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: December 16, 2005.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Dec 19, 2005
General Eric Shinseki became the Army Chief of Staff under Clinton in 1999 and served the standard four years to the month. He was replaced by General Schoomaker in 2003 right on the normal change over.
I'll grant you that, but he still had some months to go; perhaps it was just a coincidence that he left at the time his "250K-350K" insistence.

Sorry steve but wikipedia says your wrong.

From March 1994 to July 1995, General Shinseki commanded the 1st Cavalry Division at Fort Hood, Texas. In July 1996, he was promoted to lieutenant general and became the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans, United States Army. In June 1997, General Shinseki was appointed to the rank of general before assuming duties as the Commanding General, United States Army Europe; Commander, Allied Land Forces Central Europe; and Commander, NATO Stabilization Force in Bosnia-Herzegovina. General Shinseki assumed duties as the 28th Vice Chief of Staff, United States Army on 24 November 1998. He assumed duties as the 34th Chief of Staff, United States Army, on 22 June 1999, and retired on 11 June 2003, at the end of his four-year term.

on Dec 19, 2005
None of this changes the fact that Bush screwed up by not providing the number of troops needed to secure Iraq. This allowed the War on Terrorism to begin in Iraq and is responsible for MOST of our military deaths and injuries. Great work George!
on Dec 22, 2005


He assumed duties as the 34th Chief of Staff, United States Army, on 22 June 1999, and retired on 11 June 2003, at the end of his four-year term.
I'm not denying that; I'm sorry if I left you with the impression I was implying early retirement, it was rather that he was placed on the inactive list.

None of this changes the fact that Bush screwed up by not providing the number of troops needed to secure Iraq.
Got that right!

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