Constructive gadfly
Published on December 3, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics

Missile Defense Agency, since Rumsfeld took over has spent billions[ $7.8 billion] on land based star wars for continual testing, none of which has proved operational. Another $7 billion was appropriated for fiscal 2006. In 2004 MDA ran $370,000 over budget, despite the dire needs in Afghanistan and Iraq. The worst part of this is that there are no guidelines to spending, such as “prove weapons are operational and then buy.”

Now, I am not one to fault the Defense Department to try to make new technology work, but in light of the immediate needs of war and no particular threat lurking from future superpowers, it seems to me — and it’s not that we don’t already have strategic missiles — that MDA should put “star wars” on the back burner and pursue it logically and thriftily until new technology and software can be perfected before costly testing. In the meantime, support our troops in battle with the best equipment available. After all, it is not like the Manhattan Project whereby we were in a race to outpace Germany’s rush for the atomic bomb.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Dec 08, 2005
I tend to take these Iranian nuclear plants a bit more seriously than I should

iran is not being taken anywhere near as serious as it should be (and shoulda been for quite some time). for several years running, speakers at gatherings of the current generation of revolutionary guards have claimed it wont be much longer before britain gets a taste of what it used to deal out.

the colombians' product continues to get here, but they're no longer that involved in transportation or insertion (it's a mexican thing now). 6 of 1 or a half dozen of the other i guess...except i think they'd demand a huge amount of money to even consider killing their golden goose.
on Dec 08, 2005
"the colombians' product continues to get here, but they're no longer that involved in transportation or insertion (it's a mexican thing now). 6 of 1 or a half dozen of the other i guess...except i think they'd demand a huge amount of money to even consider killing their golden goose."

Money that Chavez has, and who is just deranged enough to feel justified in using nefariously. There was an organized US flag burning to celebrate 9-11 after the attacks there. People who have now fled Venezuala have stated that he was impressed with 9-11, told his intelligence people to make overtures to harbor terrorists, supposedly sent money to afghanistan, etc.

Dunno how much of it is accurate, but I think he is creepy enough to be considered a tangible threat. I don't think we'll be shooting down Chavez's or anyone else's missiles for a while, though. The Chinese are too good at being "trade partners" to muck that up with anything overt, I think.
on Dec 08, 2005
Money that Chavez has

i'm not so sure he has enuff yet. think about how much money flows to colombia each year. imagine you're one of those at the end of that flood of cash.

how much would someone have to offer you to even halfway consider doing something so stupid as vaporizing such a fabulously lucrative market?
on Dec 08, 2005
Chavez isn't as connected with the drug trade as he is with revolutionaries who are on-again-off-again tools of the drug trade. You might be surprised what they might be willing to arrange transport for if it meant tangible hardware for themselves as well. I doubt an attack in the US would slow down our coke consumption much. Like you say, it will probably be Mexicans that get caught sneaking it in anyway.

And I could just be paranoid. I'm not building bomb shelters or anything. I just think that people who pretend sawed-off weirdos like Lil' Kim and Chavez can't get to us needs to remember that somehow tons and tons of stuff, thousands of people, and untold numbers of other things end up illegitimately in the US already. Granted, Fidel could have done something similar, but Fidel doesn't have the Soviet Union any more, and probably wouldn't relish giving us an excuse.
on Dec 08, 2005
Lil' Kim

wonder how difficult it would be to synch up a clip of him "singing" 'eat my pussy right'?
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