Constructive gadfly
Published on November 20, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics

It is often said or implied on JU that liberals are elitists who contemplate their navels while dismissing the realities of the living world. The inference here is that liberals indeed are individualists who take solipsistic pride in do-nothing as opposed to the brilliant drive of the entrepreneurs to address the pragmatic needs of the nation. Strangely, liberals discount the great deeds of the ilk of Ford, Walton, Carnegie and Gates whose true individualism led to progress in the realm, while men like Jefferson, Lincoln, W. Wilson, L. Johnson, Truman and FDR are praised for being the nation’s conscience and therefore held back the otherwise seamless move forward toward total progress.

The majority of this site also infers that liberals, self appointed noblesse oblige, are above the sweaty thought of inventiveness and subsequent labor, consequently incapable of appreciating the great contributions of laissez faire.

On the other hand, this right leaning majority, too, are elitist in that they worship the political bias toward the business world without regard to the need of reigning in excesses. Though claiming to be realists, they were positively euphoric over the Reagan Revolution to reduce the wave of government to harmless laps in the bathtub so that corporations could develop a Tsunami of supply side economics through corporate welfare and defense contracts leading to lower wages for the masses and a super military complex that contrary to common belief bankrupt us, not the Soviets who were already bankrupt in ideology. The bleeding heart minimum wage is but a another form of welfare for the shiftless who find no internal drive to better themselves. If reconstruction after Katrina is to be driven, wage rates must be put aside — though Bush has since backed down . The volunteer armed services are more inclined to favor war since so many enlistments are of the uneducated and minorities who with little prodding revel in waving the flag and more apt to stay the course. [Yet a funny thing happened on the way to Tar-Heel country — dominated by military bases — 57% of which have become leftist “elitists” by disapproving of Bush’s handling of the war and 56% of the military there disapprove of Bush’s leadership; and worse, only 19% of the soldiers there felt Iraq was worth fighting for. Despite the argument that polls can be misleading, there appears to be a prevailing trend even among the military.] Pardon the digression.

Everyone is against illegal immigration but for exploiting laborers and having to pay social security for the domestics in the homes and castles of the affluent. SUVs are essential for Soccer Moms even though the percentage of use is minuscule and a Minivan would serve the special and family purpose just as well. Luxury tax is taboo and shot through with arguments that Africans in the minds would lose jobs when basketball players and the ladies of Hollywood and Newport would stop buying jewelry; yacht building would be at a standstill; massive layoffs there would be at Luxury car plants; the Waltons and Gates would no longer give millions to “charity.” God forbid — the eleventh commandment — that the affluent be taxed more on capital gains, else results of trickle down investments would collapse. Public education is at the crossroads of failure and termination; never mind that it is continually shortchanged — besides, teachers should stop complaining about low salaries, after all, they can’t very well enter the real world of true competition, since there are those who teach and those who do.

It is my contention that conservatives are as overwhelmed by their own elitist mythology as liberals are of theirs.


Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: November 20, 2005.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 20, 2005

I was a liberal, too, until your kind came for my kids the first time. That pretty much took the left right out of me. I'm not overwhelmed by SQUAT, I just want the right to raise my children without having to endure the terror inflicted by CPS.
on Nov 20, 2005
The volunteer armed services are more inclined to favor war since so many enlistments are of the uneducated and minorities who with little prodding revel in waving the flag and more apt to stay the course.
Complete horsecrap. A completely elitist statement. The number of more educated servicemembers would probably surprise you. the fact that a great number of the "uneducated" have greater intelligence than anyone who would put Woodrow Wilson on a list of great Democrats. Good choice Steven, he destroyed all of the gains African-Americans made working in Civil Service by segregating it, removing all blacks from supervisory positions, and being a fan of griffiths Birth of A Nation, in fact he had a private screening in the White house.
And not everyone who is a conservative loved Reagan, Far from it.

on Nov 20, 2005
So these things are myths just because you say they are? Hmm.
on Nov 20, 2005
well Steven far be it from me to pass a chance to "pile on" ha! you lefties are so far out of touch with the real world you no longer even know how to
"fake it" anymore. I Miss the liberals of old that had vision and a plan on how to better America {even though the plan was all messed up they at least had one}

Today's liberals are out of touch, out of ideas, and can only dissent or whine. Oh yeh they can obstruct with the best of them too. MM scratches head and wonders if I was to gentle.
on Nov 20, 2005
The volunteer armed services are more inclined to favor war since so many enlistments are of the uneducated and minorities who with little prodding revel in waving the flag and more apt to stay the course

Do you honestly believe that statement? If you do, what are you basing your opinion on? Because most of the enlisted people I know aren't stupid, or a minority, or patriotic. They're in the military for job security, the benefits and a retirement check.

I think your condescension is slightly misplaced.
on Nov 20, 2005

Do you honestly believe that statement?
To a degree, yes; but the tone of the article is clearly satirical.

Because most of the enlisted people I know aren't stupid, or a minority, or patriotic.
I assume those you do know are not the grunts, and are mainly career soldiers. Besides, I did not imply that servicemen were stupid, but--and you yourself with respect to the prison scandal mentioned they were trailer trash. You cannot deny that many--not those who are technicians and specialists--and surely not all are from the disadvantaged groups and are grateful for "job security." Moreover, the make-up of the services has become clouded what with the great infllux of reservists.  

on Nov 20, 2005

I get it, anyone who joins the service is either a minority who doesnt know any better, or just plain stupid.
Going overboard here--not anyone.

Besides, my reference to the Tar Heels disputes this.

I Miss the liberals of old that had vision and a plan on how to better America {even though the plan was all messed up they at least had one}
Now who's being satirical?

So these things are myths just because you say they are? Hmm.
Oh? And you don't spin off myths, eh? You're so cool!

on Nov 20, 2005

Today's liberals are out of touch, out of ideas, and can only dissent or whine.
I believe I predicted JU's majority would think that.

SSG: I praise neither group, though admittedly I favor those of conscience--if there be such an entity.

on Nov 21, 2005
BTW: I was a grunt in the Marine Corps for 4 years and there were actually a very low percentage of lowlifes in even during the peanut farmers misadventures. I even met Reagan but I am still not a fan.
Remember what they say about assumptions...
on Nov 21, 2005

you yourself with respect to the prison scandal mentioned they were trailer trash. You cannot deny that many--not those who are technicians and specialists--and surely not all are from the disadvantaged groups and are grateful for "job security." Moreover, the make-up of the services has become clouded what with the great infllux of reservists

My husband is from what could be considered as a 'disadvantaged' group.  Is he stupid?  no, he's smarter than me.  Is he subject to random acts of patriotism?  No...he's even had it written into his will that he doesn't want any military honors at his funeral. 

I do know some 'grunts', btw.  And yes, some of the people I've met AREN'T the brightest crayon in the box, but they're not as gullible as a lot of people would believe.  Not everyone I meet is a 'lifer'.  I deal with some pretty unsavory characters, people who have swindled and cheated and lied - are they dumb patriots? No.  Even they joined for reasons other than love of country and desire to go to war.

As for the reservists - yes, there are some who enlisted simply for the extra money or the educational opportunites and who never though they'd be activated and sent to war. But to tar everyone with that particular brush?  Not fair.

on Nov 21, 2005

The volunteer armed services are more inclined to favor war since so many enlistments are of the uneducated and minorities who with little prodding revel in waving the flag and more apt to stay the course.

You see, that is why conservatives see liberals as elitists.  Instead of addressing an issue, you denigrate the opponents.  It is a well established fact that dummies are no longer allowed in the military, yet you continue with the elitist mentality that the military must be stupid.

The conservatives have only to let you speak.  We do not have to adopt any attitudes, for you will surely provide them for us.  Think not?  Read more of the lefty diatribe here and especially at and

on Nov 21, 2005
The volunteer armed services are more inclined to favor war since so many enlistments are of the uneducated and minorities who with little prodding revel in waving the flag and more apt to stay the course.

This makes no sense, are you saying that the Volunteer Armed Forces are mostly undeucated and minority people? Or are you saying that uneducated and minority people are more prone to war?

Are you saying that joining the military is being stupid? I don't get it.
on Nov 21, 2005
Well, I figure that volunteers to the armed forces would tend to be more pro-war than the general population. You tend to not have many pacifists grabbing guns, or anarchists putting on uniforms.
on Nov 21, 2005
But to tar everyone with that particular brush? Not fair.

Let's be fair--I didn't tar everyone, but a large share!

Are you saying that joining the military is being stupid? I don't get it.
Of course not!! Yet young people shouldn't be huckstered into either.

Remember what they say about assumptions...
Such as assuming "uneducated" are stupid?--not so. They fall in line because there are few opportunities elsewhere. How else to explain so few of the upper middle and higher are grunts?

on Nov 21, 2005
The conservatives have only to let you speak.

Partcularly when they're too lazy to address the entire article--cherry picking again.
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