Constructive gadfly
Published on May 25, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics

Prison abuse goes with the territory — emotions run high no matter the time or particular place. Who among us would be willing to embark on a grim career of prison guard? — needless to say, very few of us. Except for the most arrant, sadistic abuse most violations go unreported precisely because no one really cares, except for the inmates. That said, over time, many prison wardens have enacted remarkable reforms to safeguard within reason the dignity of inmates. However, when non-violent prisoners are thrown in with the scum, their safety and dignity are in jeopardy; no matter how deep the dedication and conscience of the officials, they will turn their back on infractions.

It is an impossible task of our men and women in the service cursed with the duty to oversee the arrant hypocrisy of pious killers; nonetheless — given the few who demonstrate sadistic tendencies — our armed services are expected to respect every aspect of Islamic beliefs that had inspired the prisoners to the blasphemous cause of the Taliban and Al Qaeda who wreaked decimation on our own soldiers and innocent civilians.

It is one thing to demonstrate solemnity for a global religion that is based on peace and good will, and quite another to respect those who defy their own faith. Who among us would not at least want to flush these culprits’ beliefs down the toilet?

Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: May 25, 2005.


Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 13, 2005
Professionals like the IRA, who--after decades and decades, still haven't managed to get the Brits out of Northern Ireland

--The IRA is a bunch of thugs(figure of speech)...they need to change their tactics...unfortunatley...i don't think that'll happen...
on Jun 13, 2005
Professionals like the IRA, who--after decades and decades, still haven't managed to get the Brits out of Northern Ireland

--The IRA is a bunch of thugs(figure of speech)...they need to change their tactics...unfortunatley...i don't think that'll happen...
on Jun 13, 2005
sorry for the double post...
on Jun 13, 2005
sorry for the double post...

You should be.
on Jun 13, 2005
sorry for the double post...

You should be.
on Jun 14, 2005
They are indeed thugs--they predate Al Qaeda by a century--unwilling to declare a formal war, they'd rather blow up women and children.
on Jun 15, 2005
who is this knitter person?
on Jun 15, 2005
who is this knitter person?

--Knitter ? As in cross stitching,etc...?
on Jul 09, 2005
I have a very fair idea of the level of training of US soldiers .... I've seen the pictures from Abu Ghraib. And how this turned into a debate on the IRA is beyond me. And Dr. Bailey ... have you no essays to write ????
on Jul 09, 2005
have a very fair idea of the level of training of US soldiers .... I've seen the pictures from Abu Ghraib.

Hahahahah! too funny.

You don't know a thing. Abu Ghraib was a good example of how a few bad apple reservists managed to lose face for the entire face of the US military.

My husband's active duty air force, currently deployed to the middle east. I see, as does Texas Wahine, the level of training our dudes get. We both see what professional soldiers and airmen do every day. You, unless you're married to one, live with one, or are yourself one, don't get to see that.

Like I said, you don't know anything.
on Jul 09, 2005
I love it how the entire armed forces gets credit whenever a few bad apples fuck up; but whenever a few good apples make the world a better place, the entire armed forces gets... no recognition at all.

I suppose it's possible that knitter is a really nice and thoughtful person. But by knitter's own logic, having read one silly post, I can safely conclude that knitter is a fool and a dupe of the highest order.

So don't bother trying to clear up my misunderstanding, knitter! I already know everything there is to know about you!
on Jul 09, 2005
I love it how the entire armed forces gets credit whenever a few bad apples fuck up; but whenever a few good apples make the world a better place, the entire armed forces gets... no recognition at all.

Great line--congrats!
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