Constructive gadfly
Published on February 3, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics

May I be so bold as to suggest the following?

Unless we intend to nuke the Middle East, we must end the dream of democratizing the Arab/Muslim world by force. Aside from the glaring fact that we cannot afford to continue wasting our human and material treasures, the tribal and nationalist obstinacy of other countries resents our meddling and, as in Iraq, only lead to insurgency and radical terrorism — a tragic price to pay.

In lieu of this, the president should offer a Marshall Plan with strict contingencies to any nation willing to face up to terrorism and to eradicate suffering of its people by putting them to work building a humane infrastructure for their future — something they have not prioritized in Iraq. With our unhesitating coöperation, the World Bank and perhaps the United Nations would deal directly with home-grown contractors and global humane organizations under the watchful eye of the US State Department and foreign affairs diplomats of trusted nations to obviate corruption.

Meanwhile we would do well if we developed our own Marshall Plan to launch a domestic initiative of our own priorities, long- neglected .

Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: February 3, 2005.

Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Feb 08, 2005
A Middle East Thomas Jefferson, rather than a bin Laden. Don't hold your breath. Still, I do agree that eventually through massive propaganda countering theirs--together with being hard nosed when it comes to foreign aid--we shall prevail
2 Pages1 2