Constructive gadfly
both kinds?
Published on September 15, 2011 By stevendedalus In Politics

  "The Census Bureau reported that there are now 46.2 million Americans living below the official poverty line—the highest number in the 52 years since that statistic was first measured—and median household income has fallen back to the 1996 level." [NY Times]


Yeah, I know most of us mainstreamers are fortunate to have jobs or pensions, some even get help from WWII or baby boomer  parents, yet the glaring fact remains that there are far too many people hurting—and to be pragmatic hurting the economy. There’s so much yet to be done, and government and  business must focus on the challenge just as genius and labor are finally getting things done at Ground Zero.

on Sep 15, 2011

Interesting, these kinds of articles of yours are usually followed by blasting the current administration for such a thing. Wonder why you chose to leave this administration out of it. Hmmm.

on Sep 15, 2011

Oh,my, there's indeed tentativeness in all sectors, including the White House!

on Sep 16, 2011

First, the poor are not hurting like some would have us believe.  For the most part, they are the middle class of the rest of the world. (So who else has 2 cars, a computer, big screen TV, Cable and AC?).

Second the rate is not an objective thing.  It is subjective based upon the government bell curve.  The reason it has gone up is that the arbitrary level was set before the recession hit, so of course it went up.  As soon as the recession is over, it will go back to where it has been since the war on poverty started 50 years ago.

funny thing about what the government calls poverty.  It only includes income, not assets.  So a friend, who quit working for several years (took a sabbatical) was considered poor, even though he had assets over a million dollars.