Constructive gadfly
Published on September 13, 2011 By stevendedalus In Politics

Sunnunu—the acorn doesn’t fall far from the oak—using the same old arguments handed down to him. It’s as though Time planted this "… on the dole" [FOX balance?] to counteract Foroohar’s Keynesian memos. Coming from tax dodging New Hampshire, Sunnunu naturally thinks everyone is on the take. And as Foroohar points out it is exactly states like his that aggravate the national deficits by shortchanging its average citizens through phony accounting.His long list of UnAmericans: retirees, dependent children, veterans, farmers, teachers, investors and students— conveniently leaving out lobbyists, corporate takers, firemen, police, and retired senators—conjures up the tiresome "nanny state" syndrome threatening the rugged individual icons like Bachman, Palin and Sunnunu himself. Those who still think they can do without "government support"—other than the homeless and the recluse—is like saying we can do without national and local defense, public schools, FDA, clean air and water and the Founding Fathers.

on Sep 14, 2011

Why is New Hamsphire "tax dodging"?

And do not confuse anarchists with Tea party.  While most do believe we are taxed too much already (versus a few who think we just do not need any more taxes from the current level), none that I have talked to are against "any" taxes or "any" government programs.  But deny the waste that exists both in individual programs and the budge in general is deny reality.

on Sep 15, 2011

Austerity, when things must be done, is tax dodging.  NH has an economy because sales tax dodging from Massachusets and other neigbors buy there. No different from most of us buying on the Internet to dodge taxes. Of course, in the 50s the southern states mastered the process.

on Sep 16, 2011

Austerity, when things must be done, is tax dodging.

No, austerity is competence.  When you have the money to add an addition to your house, you do it.  You do not add one when you are barely scraping by.  As for the "tax dodging", if NH has no sales tax, they are hardly benefiting from increased sales now are they?  No doubt, Mass is losing revenue, but it is their own stupid fault for defying the law of supply and demand.