Constructive gadfly

Upward mobility has dropped dramatically since the golden years immediately following WWII and the GI Bill— thanks to college grads saddled with huge student loans and the fact there are fewer opportunities in an economy rigged for those of the inherited class — affirmative action for those with connections. Oh, one can argue till blue in the face that there are greater opportunities for the Horatio Algers by falling back on those who made it during the internet bubble by ignoring that these are exceedingly rare cases. But the glaring fact remains that the number of dead-end jobs have grown astronomically since the Reagan Revolution.

Still, this is not a Right or Left matter: both progressives and conservatives have contributed to this sad state of domestic affairs by allowing the money class with its huge contributions access to legislation that protects and enhances its capital, putting the nation right back into the 20s when no one gave a damn but ever conscious of his own self-seeking gains. It was out of control then as it is now, resulting in more and more of those who are at a dead-end. Even most of the post college people trying to make a buck for themselves are stymied by huge personal debt and no well-off parents to bail them out.

Those of suburbia are dwelling in a pasteboard world of SUVs under lease, fine homes they can’t really afford and spend increasing sums to shuttle their kids into nursery and private schools because of the dire need of two incomes. Then there are those — I hesitate to classify them — who, under stress knowing they are never becoming upward mobile, who will continue to work their rumps off and pray they never have children, not because they wouldn’t want them, rather, cannot afford them.

Despite this calamitous trend toward upward mobility limited to 15% of the population, we are led to believe that it not politics, stupid, but the natural capitalistic progression of the beautiful people who know how to manipulate those of the Haves.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Feb 05, 2004
yah! I have one point [grins ear to ear]

Please select the "Trolling" button below and click "Submit", lets see how far negative I can go.

serious reply forthcoming. too much work right now.
on Feb 06, 2004
Good point 'poet philosopher'. The number of replies may be a proof of good blogging here, but it shows me the point is not well made in the post. Personally, I try to be informative and let the excerpt make the point. I try to be respectful in my reply - sometimes failing to accomodate others feelings as well as they'd like - but try to stay on topic and not use it as pretense for other sidereal issues, unless they springboard us on to more information.
Overall, I think my articles and blogs, (I do post my opinions and such but tend to save them for replies, as here. My style no different than a news anchor who introduces the topic and let's the info flow raw for one to integrate and form a informed opinion from) are informative. More impotant than the blog though, the replies are ones that add to the knowledge and let others know of other points without being dis-respectful. Maybe I've been lucky to have intelligent and objective minded people read them, but I also think my restraint in letting the one-sentence flames stand on their own in the midst of intelligent comments affects it. There, they bake in the light of reasoned statements and fizzle away, a testament to the lack of contribution they made to the blog subject.
If one wants to dispute the information that is good. To let it go down to a argument over minutiae of each reply, in debate of semantics, source of statistics,etc. - as here - takes away from the topic and it goes off on its own. It sits there as a thesis which has no resolution or no apparent stand-on-its-own value.
If I say White people are no good, I could get into nonsense over a nonsense blog for days. What would that do for any of us? Here, we have a argument over whether or not homeless want to work, which has no relation to the claim made that there is upward mobility in the original blog.
Now I could have posted this as a blog, but it is relevant here and now, so I post it here and now. It won't show up as a blog post in my column, but the objective is to inform and dis-agree, using reason and intelligence in a timely and relevant manner. Otherwise, blogging would be but a message board, and I want it to evove into an improvement on that 'lol', tbs' 'ftw' style. Am I wrong to hold out such a hope for blogging's future?
Oooh, I know this will not go over well, I really put my a-- out there in firing range, and my fingers already burn from the minutiae to come, but why not put your reply up as a new blog and claim points for yourself?
Returning you to your regularly scheduled flames, attacks, off-topic issues, and one sentence thoughts now. Blog ON - if that's what you call this.
on Feb 14, 2004
Anathema, just to let you know that i enjoy your enriched comments--keep it up
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