Constructive gadfly
Published on August 6, 2008 By stevendedalus In Politics



Supplying him with 50,000 more troops from global bases, order General Petraeus to launch a final mop up of all pockets of resistance in Iraq.

Enact single payer universal health care by extending Medicare to all, doubling Medicare payroll tax and a 1% national sales tax. Employees will expect compensation in wage adjustments.

For every dollar spent on environmentally sensitive domestic oil drilling two dollars will be spent on alternative fuels and modernization of railways. No new automobile will be built that does not meet 40mpg by 2012, and a national speed limit of 60mph on highways will be strictly enforced effective immediately. Gasoline tax will be increased 5 cents.

Negotiate with NATO to increase its quota of combat troops in Afghanistan and issue an ultimatum to the Taliban and al Qaeda to surrender, including bin Laden, or be obliterated. Every effort will be made to herd women, elderly and children to safety zones.

Forcefully broker a deal with Israel and Palestine to end hostilities or forgo US aid to both.

Ten percent of Iraqi oil production to be exported to the US as payback.

Congress will disband earmarks, replacing it with equitable revenue sharing for legitimate state needs.

A $1-10 surtax on every tax return for the purpose of mandatory campaign expense; and each private exercise of “freedom of speech” limited to $500 per candidate—no exceptions. All surreptitious angles such as 527s will be outlawed.

And so it goes. …

Copyright © 2008 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: Aug 6,  2008.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 14, 2008

Napalm bombs

Napalm is now banned (in the west at least).

on Aug 18, 2008
I'm talking tactical use, not bombing wholesale. We should try to flesh them out of caves and lawless tribal areas whether they're hiding under burquas or behind children--war is tough. If we continue to pussyfoot then we should leave or establish a tight enclave round the capital and outskirts of legitimacy.
on Aug 18, 2008

I'm talking tactical use, not bombing wholesale. We should try to flesh them out of caves and lawless tribal areas

Steven with all due respect, this is absurd. Once fighters take to mountains, they cant simply be 'fleshed out' with napalm. The Soviets used every weapon imaginable to kill fighters in the mountains of Afghanistan and to no avail. Storming is virtually impossible as well becuase military experts consider this terrain indefensible. It's kind of abstract to read a thread with liberals suddenly advocating the use of Naplam bombs. A bit cranky are we?

on Aug 18, 2008
military experts consider this terrain indefensible.

I think you mean the opposite. It is highly defensible, but almost impregnable.
on Aug 18, 2008

There is a weapon the Soviets didn't have at the time that is now available to the US, it's called a Thermobaric weapon. It basically cause a vacuum inside enclosed spaces (ideal for caves). There are two problems here though: one) locating the caves and two) bombing Pakistan. Both touchy especially when the hideouts (caves) are in Pakistan and they don't like us infidels bombing their Muslim brothers.

on Aug 18, 2008
It's kind of abstract to read a thread with liberals suddenly advocating the use of Naplam bombs. A bit cranky are we?

Look, as an old marine, I admit I can't get my head around these half-assed wars. If we had to worry about the unarmed and civilians in impreganble caves and Nambu nests, we'd still be island hopping minus flamethrowers. Today we carry a big stick but don't have the will to decisive war making. We should really hang it up.
on Aug 18, 2008
Both touchy especially when the hideouts (caves) are in Pakistan and they don't like us infidels bombing their Muslim brothers.

Well, not exactly in Pakistan, but the so-called neutral tribal mountainous spine should either be taken over by Pakistan or be smoked out by us. In real terms we should throw up our hands and come home. Afghanistan is not only impregnable topographically, it is in culture as well and we shouldn't mess with it as much as we'd like to free the women there.
on Aug 18, 2008
Look, as an old marine, I admit I can't get my head around these half-assed wars. If we had to worry about the unarmed and civilians in impreganble caves and Nambu nests, we'd still be island hopping minus flamethrowers. Today we carry a big stick but don't have the will to decisive war making. We should really hang it up.

on Aug 18, 2008

There is a weapon the Soviets didn't have at the time that is now available to the US, it's called a Thermobaric weapon.

Yes, I've heard of that and it sounds like itcould probably work, but it presents a problem of its own.  Weapons like that can pulverize bodies beyond any hope of identification, and we need to keep the remains intact.  If such high level targets were killed without confirmation, the authorities would have to continue on as though they were still alive. Presumed dead wouldnt be good enough.

on Aug 18, 2008

I think the effect on the human body would cause it to crush (like an aluminum can in deep water) so I think identification though DNA would be possible. Of course nearer the explosion he bodies would be charred pretty bad (no denying the heat factor, as it is basically a Fuel Air Explosive (FAE) with a guidance system). They are making the warheads small enough to be fired in a Hellfire missile and even shoulder launched, perfect fr this type of environment. The large ones would still be needed for large cave complexes in order to be effective I would think.

on Aug 24, 2008

Those wierd double-post pigeons are at it again.

on Aug 24, 2008

Oh... I forgot to answer the question directly.

What would FDR do?  -  Have a stroke & die.

on Aug 25, 2008

The large ones would still be needed for large cave complexes in order to be effective I would think.

Air attacks--the old dive bomber technique--should work.

making the warheads small enough to be fired in a Hellfire missile and even shoulder launched, perfect fr this type of environment.
Ah, Semper FI!

on Aug 25, 2008

What would FDR do?  He'd start a lot of expensive and ulitimately wasteful "work" programs that propagandists would later claim "saved the country".  He would get the US into a war where thousands of troops die in a single battle.. with many many battles.  He would begin a change among Americans from charity is an embarrassment to a feeling of entitlement that would later weaken us as a nation and as individuals.



Well, that's what he DID do, so what would make anyone think he'd do differently now?

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