Constructive gadfly
Published on October 9, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

Bush claims that North Korea has not been ignored while the US expended its energy on Iraq. Kerry claims that North Korea’s proliferation of nuclear weapons was due to abysmal diplomacy. Even before 9/11 and Iraq, Bush reneged on a consortium of South Korea, Japan and the US to supply North Korea fuel temporarily until light water reactors could be built. As a result South Korea and Japan lost over a billion in investments. South Korea’s “sunshine policy” requiring relations with the north, was scorned by the administration and dropped all diplomatic relations with North Korea and then called Kim-Jong II a loathsome pygmy. In addition Bush included North Korea as partner to the “axis,” did not support Clinton’s signing on to the Comprehensive Test Ban, abrogated the ABM Treaty, violated the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, along with unconditionally ruling out the use of nuclear weapons against the north.

Nice, very likeable guy, our president — not at all loathsome.

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: October 9, 2004.

Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Oct 11, 2004
Says who?

Don't you know who?

I don't.

- GX
2 Pages1 2