Constructive gadfly
note to McCain Supporters
Published on March 14, 2008 By stevendedalus In Republican

John McCain, remember the Colorado Rockies. A long layoff can lead to a sweep by a well-toned Democratic candidate who's been through the wars of campaigning.

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on Jul 22, 2008

Please show me where the Republican Party has shown a half century of fraud in elections, show me republicans that have done the above things. You can’t because it never happened

All data from Drudge and O'Reilly?

on Jul 22, 2008

Remember during those four or eight years we will still be under attack from terrorist, Iran, Russia, North Korea, and China. So how many dead Americans is it worth to you to put the idiot in the White House?

Fear Tactics par excellence!

on Jul 22, 2008

So you do dream. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to any vegetables insulted at being compared to you

This spicy war on veggies is a riot in light of today's pepper scare.

on Jul 22, 2008
All data from Drudge and O'Reilly?

So your response is not to answer the questions?

Fear Tactics par excellence!

Okay, I see how you work, you don’t answer the questions or challenges you just make quips and hope everyone sees things they way you do and will agree. I don’t on both cases. Either explain or expect to feel vindicated by being ignored.
on Jul 22, 2008
This spicy war on veggies is a riot in light of today's pepper scare.

It is good to see you back. I missed your sanity and irreverance (but dont let Tova see that - she thinks it is.....well.....male! )
on Jul 23, 2008

So your response is not to answer the questions?
Your assertions are canned phrases that fail to acknowledge the sleaze factor of both parties.

on Jul 23, 2008

Okay, I see how you work, you don’t answer the questions

Rigged questions that are designed to inflame. You are still fighting the cold war and probably blame Russia and China for the unrest in the Mideast and terrorism.

on Jul 25, 2008
How old are you and were you even around when Kennedy was president. First off do not beleive every thing you read or every movie that you see....President Kennedy was the greatest president we ever had...he stood his ground and made Russia look like fools, he also took the full blame for the cuban crisis even though it was not his fault that the congress did not live up to their part...but still Kennedy took full responsibility for the are an idiot if you think the elections were corrupt...if that was true do you not think it would have come out in the open..if Kennedy was not such a great president he would not have been assinated, as that is the actions of someone who fears the can tell all the great presidents...they were assinated out of fear. Nixion did himself in....if you are going to cheat you better be damn good....because stupidity gets you caught every history has taught us.
on Jul 25, 2008
Reply #53

Who are you responding to? if the author, I think he has you beat on years.
on Jul 25, 2008
If he is confident its because Republicans are already skilled at the theft of elections.Sorry folks but I was in Vegas on vacation the last week or so and seeing this reply I have to answer it.JFK stole the election from Richard Nixon and no one said a peep. It is well documented but still no one wants to speak ill of the dead. He was so unpopular that he had to go to Texas, a democrat strong hold at the time, in order to have a chance at re-election. It was common knowledge that President Kennedy used he father’s ties to organized crime to fix the election. Bobby Kennedy then turned around and attacked the people that put him in power setting the stage for the presidential murder in Dallas, dear sweet innocent Bobby had thrown so much political mud that Mr. Nixon was forced to retire from public life until the Kennedy’s were out of power. When Mr. Nixon was elected he did the exact same things that the Kennedy's did but he was vilified for it and no one mentioned that President Kennedy’s Attorney General pulled FBI files and used them to smear political enemies or had an enemies list. Any thefts of elections were learned from the democrat party. Shall we look at Illinois politics the last half century? A state with the un-official motto of “Vote early, Vote often”. A state where you can count on 150% of registered voters turning out for elections, dead people voting for decades and the like. How about Miami Florida where democrats are caught with voting machines and blank ballots in their cars and no arrests are made, that was the 2000 election so even with the cheating that was going on the democrats still lost and because they lost scream foul, and that the election was stolen. Or how about when the current laws and rules were not advantageous to the democrats so they hire a bunch of lawyers to try to fix the elections of 2000 and 2004 and when it does not work then they again scream fraud. Please show me where the Republican Party has shown a half century of fraud in elections, show me republicans that have done the above things. You can’t because it never happened.

on Jul 25, 2008
This is not my reply....I have no idea what happened to my reply but this is certainly not reply was old are you and were you even born when Kennedy was president? You cant believe every thing you read or the movies you see, they are for intertainment only. I think Kennedy was the greatest president we had....he stood his ground and made the Russians look like fools, he took full responsibility for the cuban crisis....even though it was not his was congress who did not do as they had promised, but Kennedy still accepted full responsibility for it. He did not try to place the blame elsewhere as so many others would have done. Proof of how great he was...he was assinated and that only happens when someone fears you....look to history and you will see that the great presidents were assinated...Bobby Kennedy would have been a force to reckon with and because of it he too was assasinated.
on Jul 25, 2008
Cocky he can get. He is going to be the next President--no contest!

What country will he become president?
on Jul 25, 2008
Which one? Egos will interfere, but I think Hillary will be Veep. IN which case, I am investing in a life insurance policy on Obama - for my retirement.

Don’t be afraid of the black skin,--the guy is human.
on Jul 25, 2008
Doc, remember the book the presidents plane is missing? This time I think it will head into the Bermuda triangle and never be found. Oops.  

Psalm 23:4
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
on Jul 25, 2008
So is it your suggestion that we not vote for a republican because it will make it easier for us four years from now? the last time we did that we ended up with 8 years of William Jefferson Clinton, a recession, and oh yeah 9/11 and the war on terror. Sorry I am not that much a slave to the ideology I would rather pick the best person from the choices we have than the one that will make it easier for us. Remember during those four or eight years we will still be under attack from terrorist, Iran, Russia, North Korea, and China. So how many dead Americans is it worth to you to put the idiot in the White House?

If my memory serves me right, Barack graduated from Harvard with a law degree.
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