Constructive gadfly
Kerry’s Amnesia
Published on September 28, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

Putting aside the violence midst the coming Iraqi elections, heavily entrenched and financially supported exile groups are dwarfing the influence of native Iraqi political groups, only furthering the bleak promise of free and fair elections. … It seems incredible that someone did not say to the president, “Excuse me, sir, but don’t you think we should finish the war in Afghanistan first?” The closest to this was Powell’s warning Bush that “if you break it you own it.” It is unfortunate that so many Americans think it is our war, not Bush’s. … Moreover, it is mystifying that we just don’t learn by the history of empires that in the end it is a losing struggle. Kerry, too, is guilty of forgetting his own youthful criticism of the Vietnam War by voting to authorize Bush’s war without bravely questioning the wisdom of it until now. … It is scary to think that just before 9/11 there were five incidents in which police had stopped the terrorists responsible for the tragedy and let them drive off after being ticketed for traffic violations, owing to inadequate integration of databases, which still are not in play to this day — that’s not just scary, it is outrageous. … How can there still be 46% of the public who believe that Saddam was responsible for 9/11? I’m hoping they don’t vote because ill-informed voters are as dangerous as our blindly informed politicians.

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: September 28, 2004.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 28, 2004
At what point would Afghanistan be considered "finished"? Is our occupation of Germany finished?
on Sep 28, 2004
At what point would Afghanistan be considered "finished"? Is our occupation of Germany finished?

Ummm . . . I think that when our soldiers are still dying in firefights and Afghanis are being killed because they attempt to register to vote and warlords are taking back portions of the country and assassination attempts are being made on the people we put into power, then Afghanistan is not "finished."

If it's finished, then send my husband home please.
on Sep 28, 2004
I wasn't trying to imply that Afghanistan was finished.

My point was, we are probably going to have troops in Afghanistan for a long time, and to suggest that it should preclude US action elsewhere means that we won't be doing anything else for a long time.
on Sep 29, 2004

it should preclude US action elsewhere means that we won't be doing anything else for a long time.
That would be great!

Thanks, Texaii, for the telling support.

on Sep 29, 2004
That would be great!

Yup. My feelings exactly.
on Sep 29, 2004
The War I Iraq was is totally against the accepted norms of International Law. It constitutes a valid case for bringing both Bush and his poodle Blair to an International Tribunal to try them for "crimes against peace". Further the prison abuses in Iraq constitutes grave violation of the Geneva Convention, and hence accountabilityy must be fixed. One can begin by voting out the present occupant of the White House in November.
on Sep 29, 2004
ill-informed voters are as dangerous as our blindly informed politicians.

funny, now that sounds like another country i know ... a little closer to home, though

mig XX
on Sep 29, 2004
Further the prison abuses in Iraq constitutes grave violation of the Geneva Convention, and hence accountabilityy must be fixed. One can begin by voting out the present occupant of the White House in November.

What a CROCK!!! And this is Bush's fault, how? They have already *dealt* with the people responsible.
on Sep 29, 2004
It is so strange that 60 minutes will repeatedly report and scream about the prison abuses in Iraq. Saying it is against the Geneva Convention.

Then not once do a story about all the beheading of innocent people in Iraq.

It shows how far down the sewer hole people can get when the grizzly murder by non-Americans is portrayed with less horror then a few Iraqis being made to spend the night getting pictures taken in a human pyramid. I also guess the suicide bombings of public market places killing over 48 innocent women and children, also don't get the attention as against the Geneva Convention. Lets just add Saddam's Mass graves, use of Chemical weapons during the Iran war and the laundry list of other Geneva Violations that he did.

It is a sad fact that people paint the US as Evil for a hand full of idiots that are being put in jail themselves.

That's My Two Cents
on Sep 29, 2004
If it's finished, then send my husband home please.

Yeah, send everybody's family back home.
on Sep 29, 2004
Right, Mig, in spite of Australia overwhemingly against the war your "informed" still keep sending young Aussies to hell. 
on Sep 29, 2004

At what point would Afghanistan be considered "finished"? Is our occupation of Germany finished?

One really has to wonder why non of the anti-Iraq people ever complain about our occupation in Germany.

on Sep 29, 2004
The difference is, Afghanistan is still a combat zone.
on Sep 29, 2004
It shows how far down the sewer hole people can get when the grizzly murder by non-Americans is portrayed with less horror then a few Iraqis being made to spend the night getting pictures taken in a human pyramid.

I'm not sure that's a fair comparison. The people who committed those crimes are undeniably scum on all sides, but in the former case (the beheadings), they're taped and shown to elicit a reaction; in effect, the perpetrators are using the media to try to win. Disgust and scare the Americans and maybe then they'll pull out--it's pure manipulation using a powerful medium: Americans' televisions. I'm still not clear on why, exactly, the naked prisoner abuse pictures were taken, but they were broadcast throughout the U.S. and met with not horror, but outrage that WE were doing that to our prisoners.

Both are awful, awful crimes but showing the beheadings in their entirety would be exactly what they (call them insurgents, terrorists, murderers, whatever) want. I'm not saying let's all bury our heads in the sand and ignore that it's happening--I'm saying let's not give them the satisfaction of using their grisly executions to manipulate us.

on Sep 29, 2004
The difference is, Afghanistan is still a combat zone.

Yes, so it makes sense that soldiers are there. What's in Germany that requires the forces of the U.S. military?
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