Constructive gadfly
And other things
Published on September 17, 2004 By stevendedalus In Democrat

The great “liberal” empire state is cutting 512 jobs in Yonkers’ city schools along with interscholastic sports, music, art, and after-school programs for the reason that there is a limit to raising local taxes when short-funded by the state. … Whoever heard of a nonpartisan congressman? — Goss, the nominee for the supra CIA agent who recently blasted Kerry’s alleged votes in intelligence cutting, promises to be above politics. If Kerry wins the appointment will be academic. … Besides Goss as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee did nothing to improve intelligence even though the committee was fully aware of the agency’s inadequacies since 1997. … Now they tell us that South Korea has been working and producing nuclear material for twenty years! … Trying to prevent nuclear weapons escalation is like trying to do away with 527s: as long as the know-how is widely available there is no way other nations are going to desist from developing an arsenal — why, even Saudi Arabia is looking into the possibility. Should this be head-scratching with Israel a nuclear power? … The Army Reserve has lost 58 men and women in Iraq, the highest since the Korean War. … Is there anyone out there who believes the conservatives would not be all over Gore if he had initiated a preëmptive war? … Unbelievably, Bush took a lesson from Reagan and cut 12.6% of funds designated for Air Traffic Control that is in need of serious upgrade that would have averted the LA International’s recent black out! … How long do we try the patience of our troops in Iraq who daily face growing ingratitude and hostility? … Since mission was accomplished[?] in Afghanistan there have been two attempts on Karzai’s life, and dozens of election officers, mostly women, have died in efforts to sign up the woman vote. …

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: September 17, 2004.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 17, 2004
Why don't you write your own articles for once you lazy peasant?
on Sep 17, 2004

Reply #1 By: Sir Peter Maxwell - 9/17/2004 4:44:13 PM
Why don't you write your own articles for once you lazy peasant?

Now I'm gonna troll....... Why don't you go get bent you stupid English fop!
on Sep 17, 2004
Go get 'em, drmiler!
on Sep 17, 2004
Do I still have to say this again and again? I happen to be by peasant birth Richard R. Kennedy. Or are you arguing that it is plagiarism to comment on the news? If so we are all guilty.
on Sep 17, 2004

Oy! You and I agree on something.

By the way, on the issue of the deficit, you might want to look at Pete Peterson's new book Running on Empty. Peterson was Commerce Secretary under Nixon. A conservative's conservative and really gives a good all-around look at the potential crisis with the deficit.


It's interesting you mention Yonkers. Rochester has a $42 million deficit in the school budget and has cut the same programs as well as cutting nursing and custodial staff. All this because of 9/11. Can you imagine the problems Florida will have with funding after the hurricane season??

But when you run a $440 billion deficit, what's another $20 billion?
on Sep 18, 2004
But when you run a $440 billion deficit, what's another $20 billion?
Yeah, what the hell, let our kids and their kid worry about it, right?  And right you are about Florida--hate to think about--they've been drastically cutting education even before the hurricanes!
on Sep 18, 2004
Well when was the original deficit started, hmmm?

Inquiring minds would like to know when and how it got started. Also, who was President at the time?
on Sep 18, 2004
Throughout our history there has often been a national debt. Truman balanced it within a few years after WWII. It's true that the Vietnam War, and the war on poverty, sent it skyward, but not till Reagan did it go off the planet.
on Sep 18, 2004
Ah, the Cold War.
on Sep 18, 2004
Not to mention the severe tax cuts.
on Sep 18, 2004
What do you like giving money to the government?
on Sep 19, 2004
Without it anarchy sets in. We're all in this together, or we'll become 50 free wheeling states.
on Sep 19, 2004
on Sep 19, 2004
Well when was the original deficit started, hmmm?

Inquiring minds would like to know when and how it got started. Also, who was President at the time?

About four years ago there was a 3Trillion! Budget surplus. I beleive some guy from Arkansas that Republicans just seemed to froth at the mouth over was in office when this surplus was created and maintained for over two years.

If reality applies to the universe, the following president created the current deficit.
on Sep 19, 2004
What do you like giving money to the government?

Personally, I don't mind. Especially when I know that by paying taxes I can help my fellow citizens by vicariously supporting them intimes of need. How would many of our fellow citizens with disabilities survive without our comined contributions?
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