Constructive gadfly
Published on August 7, 2004 By stevendedalus In Humor

The US borrows ten billion dollars every work week from foreign countries. What does this say about the health of this economy?

Too much discussion about the extremism of liberals and conservatives tends to give the impression that the vast majority is either one or the other. The fact is the majority is neither.

The problem with “regime change” as US policy since Iraq, is that it is now interpreted as military intervention rather than aggressive diplomacy.

The average fellow who is for Bush because he’s an ordinary guy would vote for Kerry if it meant a Cubs-Red Sox World Series.

Since when is a drinking buddy a credential for the presidency? Particularly since the current president is on the wagon.

To deny gays a right to marriage is a blessing in disguise for homosexuality.

If in the 50s the bible and rural belt were labeled red states, their governors would have to appear before the Un-American Committee.

In lieu of prayer and the pledge of allegiance at the opening of a congressional session, members should be required to watch Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.

In the first debate Kerry should salute the president and say “Reporting for the battle of likeable character.”

The bottom line of values is luxury-time to spend on self-righteousness.


Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: August 8, 2004.

Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Sep 09, 2004
I am truly humbled by all of these comments--I'm not accustomed to favorable critics.LOL
2 Pages1 2