Constructive gadfly
Published on August 7, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

As long as the fear factor remains in the consciousness of the American voter — how can it not be with the yellow to orange light always on? — will always be insecure and choose a leader whose primary objective is making the nation safer. On the surface it would seem that the incumbent would therefore win by a landslide, inasmuch as in an apparent state of war, few would be willing to change horses in midstream.

However, in this election year the traditional standard does not ring true. To begin with the state of war is not as dire as one would expect. With the security alerts on, people are encouraged to go to work or shop as though things were normal as we cannot allow terrorists to disrupt our way of life even though that is precisely what terrorists do. In contradicting itself, the administration, tells us that the war in Iraq has kept the terrorists busy abroad terrorizing foreigners and our brave troops; therefore, it is more like the World Wars whereby the home front is protected by the vast oceans. Nor can there be any true urgency since the president is intent on the non sequitur of making his massive tax cuts permanent. Neither has there been any call for sacrifice other than — after all it is voluntary and no concern of the vast majority — the armed services because we do not want to fall into the pit of a wartime economy of food rations and gadget shortages.

The incumbent, who would normally be in a commanding electoral position, is under duress by those who are increasingly questioning his competence to lead, owing to innumerable pitfalls in his war policy. He had the world on his side on 9/11 and the nation when he took action in Afghanistan until the resolve was reduced to an impasse because all along Iraq had been planted in his mind. Despite the initial unpopularity of going to war in Iraq without finishing the job in Afghanistan, his administration, drawing on the fear factor and trumped up intelligence, manipulated, not only him, but the public successfully, which in turn put fear into congressional opponents of the war to approve intimidating the UN to pass a resolution and then subsequently ignoring it by unilateral invasion. Thinking this would be but another hundred hour war, the public was in flag-waving ecstasy. Though some weeks had passed before Saddam’s statue was toppled, most Americans were eager to crown George king.

Over a year later, with the war still raging, the royal garments tattered, the crown tarnished, the public has began to question the integrity and depth of the economy, the enormous debt and the quality of jobs. The public has lost its appetite for the war while the esophagus is wrenched by the morsel of futility. Again the administration mobilized its old diversionary tactics by such things as a marriage amendment, fuzzy affirmative action, the right to life, virtue in the trickle down theory of tax-cuts, painting Kerry a flip-flopper, Democrats weak on defense requiring a permission slip from France, liberals don’t go to church, yet espouse pacifism, backdoor support of Nader, solidify health care by medical savings accounts, bolster social security by privatization, going to Mars, missile defense priority, dependence on “Old Europe” allies is passé, ad infinitum.

The public is beginning to turn its attention to a fresher perspective on the problems that beset the nation. Just as Eisenhower was able to muster a truce in Korea, Kerry believes his exit strategy can be accomplished by mending previous policies and garnering support from traditional allies and NATO to share the burden in Iraq. The war on terrorism is not the exclusive domain of the US but of the world, entailing global effort to defeat it. The economic recovery is deceptive because its traditional industrial base has been raided by multinational corporations and outsourcing, causing low quality jobs. The debt and deficits are sky-rocketing because of an irresponsible tax structure. The spiraling costs of oil is a result of the lack of national commitment to energy independence. The threat of terrorism can be reduced by a more humanitarian foreign policy of diplomacy without having to relinquish the defense of the country. Aye, it appears the incumbent has reason to worry.

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: August 7, 2004.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 09, 2004
Pres Bush is not in a slump. It's after the DNC convention, the olympics are now getting ready to be played. After the olympics comes the next exciting thing, The RNC Convention. After this convention bush will be up by 10 and not look back. Therefore when the elections role around it will not be as close as everyone thinks.
on Aug 09, 2004
And your an IDIOT too, did you know that. You liberals are impossible to please.

If that's true then many conservatives are too easy to please. All I have to do is wave a flag here and there, mumble about supporting the troops, emphasize how much better America is than anywhere else in the world, throw some "tax cut" money at you, and I'm your greatest hero and savior.
on Aug 09, 2004
All I have to do is wave a flag here and there, mumble about supporting the troops, emphasize how much better America is than anywhere else in the world, throw some "tax cut" money at you, and I'm your greatest hero and savior

Hahah, isn't that what John Kerry did in his convention speech?
on Aug 09, 2004
Hahah, isn't that what John Kerry did in his convention speech?

You know what, you're right, it's sad that's all it takes to wins Americans over.
on Aug 09, 2004
So most Americans are conservatives?
on Aug 09, 2004

Steven Dedalus implies that the only reason fear is in our consciousness is that Bush and the administration are just hyping the threat & milking it for political advantage. How shortsighted. And to suggest that the administration's whole anti-terror strategy was just a convenient excuse to go after Iraq and that Iraq was the pre-determined enemy, simply shows his ignorance of the facts. It amazes me how so many of the Democrats, Kerry & Edwards included, held the same opinions & positions based on the same intelligence provided Bush, only to now pretend that he made the whole thing up
Your words, not mine.

So Eisenhower mustering a truce in Korea was a good thing? Yeah, have to admit the world really needed North Korea to balance out some of all that goodness in the world.
At the time it was a good thing; as there was much anxiety over the costly stalemate. And don't forget, China with its million plus troops were eager to pounce.


on Aug 10, 2004
North Korea is not a "good thing", but it looks alot better compared to nuclear war.
on Aug 10, 2004
Wow! Madine rushed to my aid! Thanks.
on Aug 11, 2004
ANWR would NOT solve the energy problems of the US, it would be a temp solution, a long term solution would be researching (and using) new, non atmosphere harming energy resources. Like nuclear fission, fusion, wind, and solar energy.
on Aug 11, 2004
Mileage aside, its a classic "do as we say, not as we do" type of situation common from the elitists. Actually, im all FOR gas guzzlers, the sooner we exhaust the worlds oil supply the sooner we will be forced to find alternate energy sources.

Theyre out there. Ive seen electric cars, busses running on natural gas, and even cars that run on used vegetable oil.

I dont know what part of the country you guys are from but here in Los Angeles, all the city busses are natural gas.
I see at least 5 hybrid cars a day and I am starting to see at least 1 consumer natural gas car a day.

I visited Florida this last May and almost chocked because I accidentally got behind a Walt Disney World bus and completely forgot that they are not using Natural Gas vehicles.

The gas prices in California are skyrocketing and it is actually helping direct consumers to the hybrid cars (which is a good thing).
on Aug 11, 2004
Can't beat carbonmonoxide.
on Aug 11, 2004
Nuclear power is plagued by the NIMBY syndrome. (not in my backyard).

I've never seen a hybrid car in person. I think California is the exception rather than the rule.

While American's complain about high gas prices, it is worth noting that American gas prices are much cheaper than Canada, Japan, or Europe.

ANWR will certainly not solve all of our energy problems, and indeed the problems are so great that there is no one solution that will fix everything by itself.
on Aug 12, 2004

the problems are so great that there is no one solution that will fix everything by itself.

Well said; and the longer we fail to get serious, the worse it will be.

on Aug 12, 2004
What I don't get is why does no one talk about our soldiers? Yes you all present the issue of Iraq from both sides, as well as Afganistan. Although you miss the key to this subject..our soldiers. They are the one who put their lives on the line to make sure other countries and ours remain in a state of balance. Oh wait before someone comes back with, "Balance.. there is no balance in this world!". I ask has there ever been? I can't recall anything I learned in history that showed me otherwise.
Our soldiers deserve more credit than they get. George Bush did put them in this war, which is NOT over, but he did it on evidence that was actually true. Here we go again I know someone out there is gonna tell me, "But no WMD's we found and Bush admitted the evidence was false.". Well I wish he never would. These weapons were there, don't believe me? Ask any soldier who went to Iraq, they will tell you of the thousands of rifles, machine guns, rocket launchers, missiles, ect; encased in some underground bunker in Iraq. Is that not something to be worried about? Many of the missles were found emptied, obviously cause we as a greater nation must give our enemies notice that we are going to attack. Well tell me this, Saddam was far from stupid, although his PR officer might be declared dillusional. Saddam never like Americans in general.
So why do people put it as that George Bush was raised to eliminate Saddam and reek revenge. If this were true, then why do we not own the Oil companies in Iraq? Oh wait... we do according to liberals, through some corprate conspiericy theory. Come on, the money gained from these oil companies is going to the Iraqi people, which I would like to point out is a first for them, and Bush remains to stay true to the soldiers by giving them raises every year.
I am sorry, maybe I am a radical in this sense, but I think our soldiers need to be put first and foremost. Foreget the poor guy on the street who could go to college for absolutely nothing and recieve free money thanks to the liberals. Why not take that money and use it to pay the families of the soldiers that have died. The families right now barely recieve anything and if the liberals have their way it will become even less. Why do you ask? Because the liberals worry about our deficit. So lets raise this tax, take away this... please, if we can afford to feed thousands of countries around the world, why can't we feed the family of a fallen soilder for the rest of their lives? As for diplomacy wit terrorist and supporters of radical Islam militants, I'd rather fight them outside of our beautiful country. If we decide that maybe we should stop the slaughter and end the wars and let someone else do this. Then I now that there are thousands of soldiers that are weeping in their graves. They fought in foreign lands to protect the ones they loved. I as an individual will always remain true to them in the fact that I will raise the awareness of what life they really live.
Another note, I know my view about radical Islam miltants above may give the deciption that I am for eliminationg all followers of Islam from the world, well no I don't. I know that there are some out there who believe that terrorism is not the way to their spiritual acceptancte. Those are the people that we select to reform the image of the middle east.
I have also noticed that some of you seem to stereo-type groups that contribute to the world;

"The problem I find the ordinary folks..the 8-5 employee, factory worker, farmer from the midwest they understand what's going on? All they're thinking about now is.. those damn Arabs..making life miserable for us.and's our President..ready to fight for us." - Posted By: scatter629 Date Posted: 8/7/2004 3:16:05 AM

It is sad to think that a low class guy/gal,can't comprehend politics. Well this is the biggest chunk of liberal propaganda I have ever seen! Are you trying to say a 19 year old, hard working, 8-5 factory worker; can't understand why these actions are taken and will just agree with the media or the president; depending on who you believe brainwahses them. Please, yes I am young, yes I am a strong conservative, but I completly understand politics, hey I am even in college. So do I still quailify as the ignorant blue collar worker who follows the lead of the president. No! Not by a long shot. Truth be told, I actually think Bush is leaning too far left in order to get votes. I was also very angry withhis decision to open the borders with Mexico and give illegal immigrant money to start a new life in america. (If you have read to this point in my argument I am sure you can tell why.) I at the time of hearing this, looked to some of the democratic candidates to see if they could do better, and to my surprise I found one I could accept as a president. Who you ask Liberman. Why you ask. Simply put he supported our troops all the way. He left politics to the side at times to shine light on our brave soldier who live their lives for their country.
I think this is a good place as any to close my argument, so I'll leave you with this. Our soldiers are our politics, yet very few reconize their importance and wish to put many of them out of a job; regardless of the fact that they live their lives for our country and will accept pays no civilian would. I ask that in the future you take the time to do as I do. Think about someone besides yourselves. Do something that contributes to this country, not suck it life from the very foundations that made it. (Gay Marriage is a big contributer to this, but that is a whole other post in itself.) This post is to bring attention to our troops. Thank them for what they have done, don't let this be a social equivilent of Vietnam. Those soldiers were denied their rights and promises by the very government who killed them. Support them, show them that this November you will think of them when you vote. To better the lives of them and their families.
on Aug 13, 2004
I've never seen a hybrid car in person. I think California is the exception rather than the rule.

I dont think California is the exception,

The actual truth is that California law requires certain standards on the refinement of gas. That in turn drives up the cost of our gas.
I know when I visited Florida last May, their gas was 40 cents lower than ours.

Because of our high price of gas, that has increased the demand of hybrid vehicles.
Toyota and Honda for example has a 6 month to a year waiting list for their Hybrids.
I have heard of stories where people were having friends and relatives in other states purchase the hybrid cars for them (because they are easier to get) and send them over here.

So the truth is that we in California are stealing everyone elses Hybrid cars.

I for one am glad to have purchased my hybrid car before the big rush.
I will probably never purchase a normal gas driven car again.
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