Constructive gadfly
Published on November 6, 2007 By stevendedalus In Politics

Another pock on US leadership is the escapist mess in Afghanistan. Though we and major allies—European, Australian and Canadian—make up the bulk of NATO there, the forces are underfunded as a the stepchild of the Iraqi skirmish and unable to contain the resurgence. To make the matter worse, the remainder of NATO refuses to consider itself a combat force but rather there to do nation building. Moreover, the battle of the poppy fields are doing as poorly, not a surprise, as our own domestic war on drugs. Telling Afghans to stop growing opium is like telling Iowans to stop growing corn.

The way to counter this is to track down the proceeds of the opium going to the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Yet that, too, is easier said than done; for to search and destroy the criminal element consisting of farm lords rampant in Afghanistan in order to redirect the drug money to nation-building is tantamount to our own weakness in preventing crime here.

Then again, who really cares about this forgotten war?—just another badge of Washington shame.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 09, 2007
Yes, there are problems with supply at the company and battalian level, but that is a completely different issue. You are trying to say that the Afghanistan Area of Operations is being short changed in favor of Iraq. My point showed that that isn't true.
on Nov 09, 2007
Adm. Fallon is still subject to the DOD priorities.
on Nov 10, 2007
Yes, but even the former CENTCOM Commanders, who have every freedom in the world have never said they were shortchanged for Afghanistan in favor of Iraq... Not even those how have been pretty critical of Bush.
on Dec 01, 2007
who have every freedom in the world have never said they were shortchanged
Every freedom except to say what they mean. It's not the same as a McArthur raising hell because Roosevelt favored the European theater over the Pacific--it's a whole new ballgame.
on Dec 01, 2007
That doesn't even make sense. There have been a lot of retired officers who have spoken out against the president once they retired.
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