Constructive gadfly
Published on September 6, 2007 By stevendedalus In Politics
The argument human activity is causing global warming is rather difficult to deny or accept in a whimsical planet driven by geological time. What is certain is the population and industrial explosion worldwide taxing the natural balancing act of the globe because humans—and there are more of them coming—make greater demands on the planet’s resources and stripping it of sensible and necessary conservation. Back in the ’50s and ’60s California, in particular the major cities, it was blanketed in smog that probably had contributed somewhat to global warming, but more importantly it degraded the quality of living, aesthetically and medically. Harassing the auto manufacturers then surely was the impetus for catalytic converters and unleaded gas so that Californians and the rest of us could breathe again. So high emissions are not pretty apart from global warming and the planet’s stability. Granted such entries as “Inconvenient Truth” and its ilk of melodramatics ticks off those of us who don’t want to change our stubborn ways of consuming—big cars, big homes, abundance of appliances and gadgets—upsetting our convenient truths, we should nonetheless acknowledge that there isn’t an either/or crisis, but surely a reasonable tempered-between in a growing industrialized globe that could possibly cause a meltdown in the future. It wouldn’t hurt for all of us to stop and think at least for posterity’s sake.
Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 11, 2007
I also appreciate you taking the left to task over the "carbon credits" nonsense. About time someone to the left of center took them to task for their crap!
Wow, a compliment from Gideon!!!
on Sep 12, 2007
Wow, a compliment from Gideon!!! know I respect your work, steven...even if you are a soulless!

The truth is, nobody's looking out for the best interests of the nation or the world.
on Sep 12, 2007
The truth is, nobody's looking out for the best interests of the nation or the world.

then gid there is your campaign stand.
on Sep 12, 2007
No, I've decided my new motto is "let's give ourselves the government our GRANDCHILDREN deserve!"

More on that later
on Sep 13, 2007
"let's give ourselves the government our GRANDCHILDREN deserve!"
And without our debts!!
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