Constructive gadfly
Published on July 29, 2006 By stevendedalus In Politics

Representative S. King of Iowa.“My wife lives here with me, and I can tell you … she’s at far greater risk being in Washington, D.C., than the average civilian in Iraq.” 

Bill O’Reilly said that if he were president of Iraq, he would run it “just like Saddam did.” And as President of Iraq, violation of curfew, he said, “You’re on the street” [after curfew] “you’re dead. … shot between the eyes.”

Neal Cavuto on NSA surveillance: “Yes, it is not great to necessarily hear they’re collecting our phone records, but it’s a heck of a lot better than collecting our remains.”

Cheney: “There’s no question that at times” [the government] has overdone it” [keeping secrets].

Coulter: Asked about word association for Murtha, she responded, “fragging.” meaning in soldiers’ lexicon — killing one’s commander.

Tony Snow: Claims Bush never connected Saddam with 9/11!

Source: The Progressive [naturally]

Copyright © 2006 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: July, 29, 2006.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 29, 2006
You sure seem to think you have all of the answers to all of the problams in the middle east. Why don`t you go with Condi Rice next time fix it once and for all ?. As I read your blogs all I can see is that you point out problems that we already know exist. You then poke fun at the talking heads in the media that don`t share you leftist views. One thing you should accept is the fact that war is what makes the world go aroud. War is the reason you are sitting in front of you computer and blogging about how much you hate war. War is what has provided you with everything you have in life. Everyone says they hate war, but wars aftermath and rebuilding is what gives us the lifestyle we enjoy today.
on Jul 29, 2006

Tony Snow is correct.  Bush has never connected Saddam to 9/11.  He has connected him to terrorism, and this is a war on Terrorism.  Not a war on 9/11.

And Mr. King is also correct.  You are more likely to get killed in DC than in Iraq.

on Jul 30, 2006
You are more likely to get killed in DC than in Iraq.

Technically true but also using statistics to mislead. Comparing DC to Iraq would be like comparing Baghdad to the entire US. Why would Rep King compare one district in all the US with a whole country? Well, my guess is either he didn't realize the large statistical sampling difference (high density district vs a whole country) or he is trying to mislead.

Some numbers:

DC - 35.8 per 100,000 source: FBI stats Link
Baghdad - 95 per 100,000 source: Brookings Institute Link
US - 5.5 per 100,000 source FBI stats: Link
Iraq - 27.5 per 100,000. source: King based on Pentagon statistics
on Jul 30, 2006
Technically true but also using statistics to mislead.

You know what Twain said. Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics.

His analogy may be hokey, but his statement is true.
on Jul 30, 2006
Continuing with the technically true but misleading...

White House Quotes Past and Present
[Compiled by Times researchers Cary Schneider and Joan Wolff. Sources: Facts on File, news reports.]

President Bush

Oct. 14, 2002: "After September the 11th, we've entered into a new era and a new war. This is a man [Hussein] that we know has had connections with Al Qaeda. This is a man who, in my judgment, would like to use Al Qaeda as a forward army."

This is an often used juxtaposition by the administration. By placing 9/11 the sentence before and then 'switching topics' to Iraq and Al Qaeda, you can officially never tie the 2 pieces together while encouraging others to do so.

"If we're successful in Iraq then we will have struck a major blow right at the heart of the base, if you will, the geographic base of the terrorists who had us under assault now for many years, but most especially on 9/11," Cheney said on Meet the Press.
Here Cheney conflates Iraq and 9/11 in one sentence without directly saying Iraq = 9/11. The question would be 'what is the geographic base?' When 9/11 occurred, I'm sure most people would say Afghanistan. Remember the 9/11 commission found no link betwen Al Qaeda and Iraq for 9/11 which means that Iraq could not be the geographic base at that time. Source MSNBC:Link

I'll admit...It's an impressive and interesting use of the English language. The technique is to place sentences together in a way to push the agenda without technically telling a lie. That way your supporters can say, 'well that's technically true.'
on Jul 30, 2006
I'll admit...It's an impressive and interesting use of the English language. The technique is to place sentences together in a way to push the agenda without technically telling a lie. That way your supporters can say, 'well that's technically true.'

In the end, that is what politicians are best at. All of them.
on Jul 30, 2006
on Jul 30, 2006

Bill O’Reilly said that if he were president of Iraq, he would run it “just like Saddam did.” And as President of Iraq, violation of curfew, he said, “You’re on the street” [after curfew] “you’re dead. … shot between the eyes.”

O'Reilly is hardly a right-winger. Do you even watch his show?  Are you so far left now that anyone who doesn't adhere completely to liberal orthodoxy is a right wing "gem"?  He supports US foreign policy.  Is that what it takes now to be right wing?

Neal Cavuto on NSA surveillance: “Yes, it is not great to necessarily hear they’re collecting our phone records, but it’s a heck of a lot better than collecting our remains.”

This is one that has mystified me.  First, off, if I wanted to, I could get a ahold of your tax records. There's a lot less privacy than you think.  When you apply for credit, the credit companies know all kinds of things about you.  This comment seems hardly extreme to me.

Cheney: “There’s no question that at times” [the government] has overdone it” [keeping secrets].

And? What is extreme about that?

Coulter: Asked about word association for Murtha, she responded, “fragging.” meaning in soldiers’ lexicon — killing one’s commander.

Coulter is a indeed a right wing gem.

Tony Snow: Claims Bush never connected Saddam with 9/11!

Which is true. Bush never connected Saddam with 9/11.  Iraq was not involved in the planning of 9/11.  If you think otherwise, feel free to offer proof.

on Jul 30, 2006

"If we're successful in Iraq then we will have struck a major blow right at the heart of the base, if you will, the geographic base of the terrorists who had us under assault now for many years, but most especially on 9/11," Cheney said on Meet the Press.
Here Cheney conflates Iraq and 9/11 in one sentence without directly saying Iraq = 9/11. The question would be 'what is the geographic base?' When 9/11 occurred, I'm sure most people would say Afghanistan. Remember the 9/11 commission found no link betwen Al Qaeda and Iraq for 9/11 which means that Iraq could not be the geographic base at that time. Source MSNBC:Link

I'll admit...It's an impressive and interesting use of the English language. The technique is to place sentences together in a way to push the agenda without technically telling a lie. That way your supporters can say, 'well that's technically true.'

I didn't find his use of the English language confusing.  The war on terror means removing the bases, finaciers, and allies of terrorists as well as the terrorists.  Afghanistan was removing a base.  Removing Saddam was removing a financier and open enemy of the United States.

If people are getting confused then one should put the blame on our poor public schools for not teaching basic reading comprehension to students.

on Jul 30, 2006

Reply By: Nelson(Anonymous User)Posted: Saturday, July 29, 2006
You sure seem to think you have all of the answers to all of the problems in the middle east. Why don`t you go with Condi Rice next time fix it once and for all ?. As I read your blogs all I can see is that you point out problems that we already know exist. You then poke fun at the talking heads in the media that don`t share you leftist views. One thing you should accept is the fact that war is what makes the world go around. War is the reason you are sitting in front of you computer and blogging about how much you hate war. War is what has provided you with everything you have in life. Everyone says they hate war, but wars aftermath and rebuilding is what gives us the lifestyle we enjoy today.

this is typical of the far left liberals, shout about how everyone else is doing "it' WRONG, while offering no solutions except the famous ostridge maneuver.

this was in reference to steven, I was agreeing with nelson.
on Jul 30, 2006
If people are getting confused then one should put the blame on our poor public schools for not teaching basic reading comprehension to students.

AMEN! Dont blame the messenger if the people cant understand the message.
on Jul 30, 2006
Mr. Moderateman,
I am as far from a liberal as you can get. Your reply is way off base and very narrow. Steven Dedalaus clearly hates conservitives and belives he is an esoteric intellectual with all of the solutions for everything. One of his favorite things to do is extract right wing anecdotes and make fun of them in his blogs. I have been reading his stuff for a while now and it seems he is reading the New York times way to much. I wouldn`t be suprised if he applied to manage Hillary Clintons campaign.
on Jul 30, 2006

I wouldn`t be suprised if he applied to manage Hillary Clintons campaign.

I would be.  He is left, but not loony or irrational.  In most things I do disagree with him, but I respect his reasoned analysis of the issues, even when I do not agree with his conclusions.

on Jul 30, 2006
I am as far from a liberal as you can get.

yeah. nelson is a self-proclaimed one of these:

on Jul 30, 2006
...He supports US foreign policy. Is that what it takes now to be right wing?

This would be a good question to ask of Joe Lieberman.
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